Friday, July 1, 2011

Esther - Upon My Honor (Part 3)

Another great example of Esther’s ability to show honor is:  she never showed any signs of self-sufficiency.   Esther put her trust in God and not in her own abilities.   Esther didn’t seem to struggle nor wrestle with the idea that she was enough to make things happen on her own.  When the pressure was on she sought the help of God through prayer and fasting.   When she was challenged by Mordecai to break royal protocol and to go before the king uninvited, she never relied on anything other than the hand of God.  Esther obviously knew that the king liked her but she also knew that a lot was riding on such a great risk so she chose not to depend upon anything in the natural.  In other words, she knew that she needed the help of a higher power that exceeded her beauty and natural charm. 

One of the first things that God will do in a Christian’s life is to deliver us from the idea that we are enough on our own.    Many people are programmed at a young age that they can make anything happen if they have enough self-confidence and a strong enough will (self-confidence is not to be confused with self-esteem).  The Bible teaches us that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.  Thinking that we can do it in our own strength is not only naïve but it is also dishonorable toward God.  No matter how good it makes you look or how safe it makes you feel, God will never allow things in your life that replace Him.   He wants to be the security in every part of your life.  Therefore, each and every one of us will have to go through seasons of giving up those things that stand between us and Him.  Our help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth; to look elsewhere or to trust in any other would be futile.   
For such a young woman, Esther showed that she had an outstanding concept of how to show honor.  She honored people without showing partiality.   She honored and valued all human life.  She knew how to honor rank, leaders, and positions.  And today we see that she knew how to show honor to God.   Esther proved that her trust was in God and not in anything that she thought she was or in anything that she thought she could do.  She never showed any signs of being self-confident.   Remember Esther the next time you feel bad about lacking confidence.    Remember her example and how it’s always more honorable to be God-confident!    He’s the one who can make things happen.  Next week-the honor of being discreet...

Loving U Like a Sister,