Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bilhah and Zilpah's Story

From the Series, "Between Two Women"

Even though they are often overlooked, Bilhah and Zilpah were two very important women in the Bible.  They were the other mothers of the twelve tribes of Israel and that fact alone should place them in high regard.  So why is it that they don’t seem to get the recognition that Rachel and Leah do?  In my opinion: it’s because they were not from a significant (family) bloodline and were not legal wives only concubines.  It’s sometimes difficult to understand bloodline promises and the privileges of wives versus concubines from the biblical standpoint.  It is also difficult to understand Middle Eastern culture from so long ago…  Back then, legal wives had a position of honor, rights and respect.  Concubines had their basic needs met but they had no public esteem and no legal right to anything (the law protected them from being thrown out onto the street and that was about it).

Millions of women from all over the world are born into similar circumstances, like these two, where they feel powerless or helpless to change things.  That’s why it is so important to support the outreach of the Gospel of Jesus Christ beyond our local churches.  Our God is a freeing God to every woman from every nation.  Although Bilhah and Zilpah were called maids, they were basically slave girls who worked for their mistress (owner).  They were both given to the husband of their owners to have his babies.  In those days, maids could bear these children and hand them over because according to the law and custom anyone born in the house was considered property of the mistress.  We have no way of really knowing how they each felt about this situation.  There is a similar story from an earlier time between Abraham and his wife’s maid, Hagar, where it seemed she was proud that she had given birth to his child.  But I’m sure that she wasn’t so proud on the day that she and her child were both sent away almost empty handed.

I can’t speak for Bilhah and Zilpah personally but I can tell you that a normal woman would want to be given a place of value and treated like she was somebody, no matter where she came from.  No woman in her right mind would want to give her body to be used to provide a service instead of being in a relationship where she is deeply loved and cared for.  But sadly, Bilhah and Zilpah weren’t born with the same opportunities as Rachel and Leah.  Somehow, someone failed to protect them and offer them a secure future or else they would have never ended up as maids for mistresses.  One thing that is great about this story though, is that their sons were given what they never had!  They were given an inheritance with the rest of Jacobs’s offspring.  Normally, sons from concubines weren’t considered heirs.  Bilhah and Zilpah were smart enough to understand the rights and privileges of adoption.  They knew that handing them over to Rachel and Leah would ensure the father’s blessing over their sons.  Between these two women was a pitiful beginning but a much better ending for their children -  all because of their choices based on the ending result instead of an emotional now.  Wow!  God grant all of us that kind of wisdom!!

Next week...  Jacob.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Monday, February 14, 2011

Rachel's Story

From the Series, "Between Two Women"

Oh to be born Rachel... Beautiful eyes, beautiful figure and I imagine a beautiful smile!  I say beautiful smile because it’s easy to smile when everyone in your world treats you like you are something special.  You can tell that Rachel’s father knew that she was a valuable girl, thinking he could use her as a bargaining tool to get more work out of Jacob… and he did.  We can easily determine that Leah was probably very jealous of the way that Rachel was treated by the men in their family.  How many of us have known of a situation where a woman is chosen not because of her “good works” but because of her “good looks?”  I’m sure we have all seen it at one time or another. But aren’t you glad that God’s love for us isn’t tainted by the way we look?  God is never impressed with outward appearance and His attachment to us will always be based on a love that goes much deeper than our skin.  Don’t you wish that more men had that kind of depth and character?  Well either way, one thing that I can surely minister to you today is that whether you are born a Leah or a Rachel, you still need God!

Man’s acceptance and approval surely feels good to us but it is a very weak substitute for faith.  When it comes down to the big issues in life, we are going to need the help of someone much bigger than man.  The biggest stumbling block in Rachel’s life was the one thing that most women want desperately. Because of the favor and acceptance that she had with man, Rachel didn’t know how to go to a higher power.  When she couldn’t conceive a child, she sought the help of her maid and not God.   Instead of praying, she cried out to her husband thinking that he could fix her!  And when they finally left out on their journey, she stole the little fake gods from her father’s house that he worshipped (small wooden statues)?!  Even though Rachel was desperate it seems that she had no earthly idea who it was that could really help her.  I’m thinking that she should have paid more attention to the names that were given to Leah’s sons…  Reuben (behold, God sees); Simeon (He has heard); Levi (attached to the Lord); Judah (let God be praised); Issachar (God's reward); and Zebulun (dwelling of honor)!

Rachel had a good start in life but no promise of one without any problems.  Just because a woman  looks like she has everything, doesn’t mean that she does!  You wouldn’t have to take too many steps in her shoes to figure that out.  No woman will be exempt from issues or pain in this life and a deeper look into that wisdom is a cure for much jealousy and envy.  It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that some women have it made or that maybe their life is easier or better.  Every woman will have something to contend with and each of us will have something to overcome.  A good ending will be all about who we decide to serve and make our God (remember there’s only one, the great I AM). Rachel did eventually seek and find the one true God and as He did with Leah, He heard from heaven and gave her children as well - two sons!  She died giving birth the second time (sad) but in that sadness, she did leave a legacy that lives on today.   Rachel’s agony over the state of her children is mentioned in the New Testament during the time that King Herod was seeking and attempting to kill Jesus.  We are reminded that on her deathbed, Rachel left mothers everywhere a message:  it is God who we can cry out to and He will hear, help and save.  God’s love for Rachel was purer, greater and more beneficial to her than that of any man.  How sad that it took her so long to figure it out.  But I’m thinking, better late than never… Next week, Bilhah and Zilpah… Between Two Women.

Loving U Like a Sister,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Leah's Story

From the Series, "Between Two Women"

Poor, pitiful and weak-eyed Leah...  Her dad sure didn’t think much of her...  I mean, how many of us had a dad who thought so little of us that he had to trick a man into marrying us?  How was her husband supposed to respond to her after that kind of deception?  Leah was more of a burden and obligation to Jacob than someone that he chose (sad).   Remember, he was in hot pursuit of the beautiful and eye-catching Rachel.  Not her...  Imagine how Leah must have felt on her wedding night knowing that she wasn’t the one that he really wanted and then imagine the week they had to spend together closed in from all the others.  Through the years, I have talked with women who seem to think that they know exactly how she felt.  In some very private conversations, a few women have made statements to me like, “my husband doesn’t love me, he just uses my body.”  This is not a confession or prayer request that you will hear in the morning church service (smile).  That’s why the Journey ministry is so important.  It is a place where women can find answers and help for intimate problems and questions that have the potential to bring unnecessary exposure and shame if presented anywhere else.  God will always hear a sincere prayer and He will always offer help to every woman who seeks him in truth.

Back to the story… so Leah finds herself stuck in a relationship with a man who offers her no friendship, intimacy or love.  But our God, who can do anything, looked down from heaven and saw everything.  He saw that Leah was unloved, unappreciated and in a lot of ways, ignored.  So He decided to level the playing field.  God caused Leah to give Jacob sons.  Now, you must understand that back in those days, this placed Leah in high demand and honor.  Ooh! Her sister was so envious and mad!  Giving birth to sons placed the highest value possible on a woman, whether she had gorgeous eyes or not (lol) and Rachel knew it.  Funny how God can flip a thing!  God gave Leah help and hope for a long future with her husband Jacob.  Leah never failed to recognize who it was that was helping her and her praise of God went into the very naming of her children.  Women who want to be given something better or a "better hand in life" can learn a lot from Leah:  never fail to give or leave a testimony when God decides to move on your behalf and give you help or favor and never pass up an opportunity to let the next generation know that out of every mess, IT WAS GOD!

So, God gave back to Leah her place of value that was lost in the beginning but what about friendship and love?  It’s in the story as well.  Some people seem to overlook the concept that in order for Leah to keep getting pregnant time and time again, Jacob had to keep returning to her time and time again.  Once Jacob saw that Leah could conceive he routinely spent time with her.  At that time Jacob had access to both Leah and Rachel but he obviously wasn’t ignoring Leah.  Women need to know that it is nearly impossible for a man to be repeatedly and routinely making love to a woman and not feel any affection for her.  Even though Jacob may have never felt the same passion for Leah that he did for Rachel, there had to be a bond built between them.  We know that Rachel died giving birth on their journey, so she didn't get to be buried with the rest of the family on the ground that Abraham had purchased years before.  It was Leah who not only got to grow old with Jacob but she also was the one who got to be buried with her husband in the family cemetery (I know what you’re thinking, but trust me, back in those days it was an honor).  So for Leah, the ending of this thing was better than its beginning… God looked down and saw that Leah was unloved and HE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Log on next week to find out more about Rachel... 

Loving U Like a Sister,
