Thursday, August 11, 2011

Standing on the Promises of God

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.   How simple to repeat and how difficult to follow! Lol!  I mean, how many times have you questioned, “God what exactly are you doing?  Even though the Word refers to us as "His sheep," I don’t think that many of us, if any of us, make very good ones.  If you could imagine a herd of sheep pestering the shepherd asking, “Where are we going?  What are we doing here?   Why did you bring us this way? ...”  Eventually, wouldn’t the shepherd get fed up?  How annoying would a journey be if all the sheep ever done was complain and hassle the guide for reassurance that they were headed in the right direction and that they were all going to be okay?   In reality, sheep don’t talk back and aggravate shepherds like that.  I’m thinking that we, as the Lord’s sheep, ought not to as well.

I often think of the Israelites on their journey toward the Promised Land and how they seemed to always get snagged with the same old doubt.  All they had to do was remember back to every time that God came through.  Really, just remembering how God led them out of Egypt in the first place should have been enough to keep them in perfect peace.   God proved from the very beginning that He loved them and that He was enough to handle even their toughest enemies.  But there were many times that they forgot about His goodness and about His strength.  They chose to accuse Him and they chose to complain.   They acted as if they had never even met God or received any of His provision and care.  They made a huge mistake not believing that God was faithful to what He had promised.  Instead of standing on the promises of God, many got stuck in doubt and never went any further.

How is your conversation going with God lately and where do you stand?   Did you spend time thanking Him for all His goodness and wonderful work concerning you and your future?  Or was your time with Him more about you asking where, when and how?   The truth is that God’s promises don’t come with an outline nor will He schedule an appointment with you.  If God shared His schedule and timed His promises with us then we would have no need of faith; and without faith it would be impossible to please Him.  Here’s my stand… If God promised it then He will surely bring it to pass.  Not when I want it or when I think that I need it, but in His perfect time.  I shall remain in perfect peace as I keep my mind on Him.  I choose to remember every time that God came through for me and I expect Him to do it again!  How about U?    Loving U like A sister, Regina

Next week, look for my new teaching series, “Hannah’s Heart.”   The teaching text will be from 1 Samuel chapters 1 & 2 (you will be surprised at how much truth and revelation can be derived from these two chapters).  You don’t want to miss a single blog!  Sometimes women feel left out and left behind; but I’ve learned that those who sit on the back burner the longest are usually the ones with the greater destiny.   Learn more about how God wants to give you a future and fulfill your desire.   He has always had a good plan in mind for you.  God’s not deaf and He’s not a liar… He’s listening and He cares.   There’s definitely more in store for you but you’ve got to learn how to live into it.  Log in soon and find out more about it and Him!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Esther - Upon My Honor - Ending

The last segment in this series is “the honor of not having to be first.”  No doubt about it, we live in a “me first” society.   But today, how many of us understand that society’s way of doing things and God’s way of doing things are totally different?  The world says, “Push your way through and look out for number one!”  But God says, “Look out for one another and the first shall be last.”   Being second is the main idea behind Christianity, even though sometimes the concept is easily forgotten.  In the daily routine of living, we can easily turn the focus back onto us.  Many of us need reminding from time to time (myself included) that a “me first” attitude rarely prospers and seldom turns out well.  Esther showed honor by living a life that unmistakably relayed the message, “Me second.”
Because of God and a few honorable people, the book of Esther has a great ending.  Esther saves the Jews!  Well… God saved the Jews, but He used Esther to do so.  It’s very interesting to me that the story doesn’t end with the focus on Esther but on Mordecai’s promotion.  Her risk and sacrifice helped move Mordecai into a new position right next to the king.   Even though she was queen, Mordecai’s advancement placed him ahead of her.  It’s worth mentioning that his new position was considered second as well (only second to the king).  Do you mind being second no matter how much you labor or how much sacrifice you have put into a thing?  In the natural, I believe that it would bother most people to labor for someone else’s promotion and that the whole idea of being second would be disheartening.  But Esther shows us that being second can be very valuable and offers its own reward.

Helping to promote one that you are in a close relationship with, well, that’s just wisdom!  Their success will ultimately mean yours (great message to wives).  And helping to advance or promote people who are godly and filled with godly ideas…  Well, how can that be anything but honorable?   Sadly, many people pass up awesome opportunities to be a part of something successful all because of not being the one who gets to be “number one.”  And the reality is that relationships will die, marriages will fail and families will fall apart where there isn’t at least one person who is okay with being second.   The definition of second: Next after the first; inferior; one who supports another; to follow next in place; to support; to join with in proposing some measure.

In my opinion, Esther is one of the most honorable women in the Bible.  Everything that she was a part of prospered and grew.  None of her relationships were divided, broken or dead.   She showed worth and value to everyone (not only to those who were considered to be great).  She was in “it” for more than just herself.   Her trust was in God and not in her own ability.  She showed discretion and cautiously waited for God’s timing.  And she seemed pleased and content to help promote others.   She made “being second” look good and helped us see that “second” is very important to God.   The first mention of Esther was her being brought into the kingdom with many other beautiful women.  But she had much more to offer than just her outward appearance.   Even though she was young, she had somehow learned a very valuable wisdom along her journey.  She exemplified a profound wisdom that every woman, no matter where she’s from, needs to know… Beauty may very well move a man or even a king… But HONOR will move the hand of God.    “Upon my Honor” reveals that she knew which one was the greater.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Esther - Upon My Honor (Part 4)

When it comes to discretion…    It’s not that I have been  "perfected" but I press on toward the mark of a higher calling.   And though we see Esther showing discretion at an early age, for most women, learning to be discreet will take some time.  I mean, how many of us at the first approach would have blurted out, “oh King live forever Haman is evil” in the same breath.   But instead, she invited King Ahasuerus to come and dine with her as she waited for a more appropriate time to seek his help.   Note that she didn’t tell him about her problem the second time that they were together either.  She did eventually get around to telling him about Haman and the wicked plan to have her people annihilated… But she showed great restraint as she waited…  I know that it wasn’t so much to her credit as it was to God, but the same could be said of you and me today.

Because of what Paul wrote to Titus in the New Testament, I know that being discreet doesn’t have to be something that we are born with, but can be something that is taught.  And I have learned that what seems to be lacking in one’s nature or intellect can be recovered by the Spirit of God.   Some natures have "this" and some bloodlines have "that" but God’s Spirit has everything.  God doesn’t consider it a lack of honor when someone seems to be missing a very “appropriate” trait but He does consider it most honorable when we acknowledge it and seek Him for help.   Esther’s prudence is definitely something to be admired but know that everyone can be helped to discern and taught to answer cautiously by learning to lean on God.
As a child, I wasn’t taught much, if anything, about discretion nor did I seem to inherit any.  I remember when I first noticed the trait in a girl from my sixth grade class. She and I were both chosen to represent our school for a Social Studies fair.  We decided that she should be the spokesperson for our project.  She knew exactly what to say and exactly what not to say to the judges and then later, as she explained the results to our sixth grade teacher (cautiously leaving some details OUT).  As I watched her, I knew that she had something that I lacked, and even as a child, I knew that it was something that I needed.

No matter where you sit, it’s very easy to get aggravated with people who seem to be ignorant or lack discretion.  I have sat in both places… getting on other’s nerves and other’s getting on mine!    I can tell you though, "God will never require us to put anything on the altar or bring anything forward that we don’t have."  He doesn’t judge us as harshly as some would have you think.  Man will require much more from our performance than God will.   He knows what we have in us and He knows what we lack.  He calls us “His” anyway.   He knows that His Spirit can make up all the difference.    So it’s not so much a woman’s discretion that is honorable… But it’s in her desire to learn to be discreet and in her humility to seek God for what she lacks.
Loving U like A Sister,


Friday, July 1, 2011

Esther - Upon My Honor (Part 3)

Another great example of Esther’s ability to show honor is:  she never showed any signs of self-sufficiency.   Esther put her trust in God and not in her own abilities.   Esther didn’t seem to struggle nor wrestle with the idea that she was enough to make things happen on her own.  When the pressure was on she sought the help of God through prayer and fasting.   When she was challenged by Mordecai to break royal protocol and to go before the king uninvited, she never relied on anything other than the hand of God.  Esther obviously knew that the king liked her but she also knew that a lot was riding on such a great risk so she chose not to depend upon anything in the natural.  In other words, she knew that she needed the help of a higher power that exceeded her beauty and natural charm. 

One of the first things that God will do in a Christian’s life is to deliver us from the idea that we are enough on our own.    Many people are programmed at a young age that they can make anything happen if they have enough self-confidence and a strong enough will (self-confidence is not to be confused with self-esteem).  The Bible teaches us that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.  Thinking that we can do it in our own strength is not only naïve but it is also dishonorable toward God.  No matter how good it makes you look or how safe it makes you feel, God will never allow things in your life that replace Him.   He wants to be the security in every part of your life.  Therefore, each and every one of us will have to go through seasons of giving up those things that stand between us and Him.  Our help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth; to look elsewhere or to trust in any other would be futile.   
For such a young woman, Esther showed that she had an outstanding concept of how to show honor.  She honored people without showing partiality.   She honored and valued all human life.  She knew how to honor rank, leaders, and positions.  And today we see that she knew how to show honor to God.   Esther proved that her trust was in God and not in anything that she thought she was or in anything that she thought she could do.  She never showed any signs of being self-confident.   Remember Esther the next time you feel bad about lacking confidence.    Remember her example and how it’s always more honorable to be God-confident!    He’s the one who can make things happen.  Next week-the honor of being discreet...

Loving U Like a Sister,

Friday, June 17, 2011

Upon My Honor - Esther (Part 2)

Besides treating others significantly, another attribute of honor is:  Being in “it” to help others, not just to look good or feel good about yourself.   Selfish ambition will give up quickly and will not keep you for the long haul in anything.   When our desire is to really help others, we are less likely to become discouraged over the process of time.  Having a real burden for people will keep you through the difficult times but any motivation that is based on vain desire will not be enough to keep you from quitting right in the middle of something.  Esther proved that she was in "it" for more than just her comfort, status or safety.  She was made completely aware that her freedom came with a great price and that helping the others could possibly be the reason that she had been given such an awesome opportunity.

Even though His name is never mentioned, God’s power and plan is evident throughout the entire book of Esther.  We not only see that He had a plan but we also see His foreknowledge of everyone that He would use.  God knows perfectly who to choose for what.  He knew that Esther would be obedient to His call, surrendered to His plan, and overwhelmed by the burden for the loss of her people.  He knew that she would want to help and that her passion to save them would be strong enough to move her into taking great risks; and, of course, He knew that He couldn’t and wouldn’t even come close to failing her or letting her down.  He sovereignly orchestrated the events of Esther's life; letting her be brought into the kingdom, giving her the position and crown and eventually using her to save many people.  
Esther won the hearts of everyone around her because she had already won the heart of God.  And no one, not even a King, can withstand a woman who has the hand of God all over her.   Has anyone ever just liked you or just randomly offered to help you as you walked away wondering why?   Well, now you know that it was probably the hand of God.  I have learned that If God likes you then He will cause the right people to like you too.   He knows how to direct our steps and how to send certain people along the way to offer us their assistance.  Seems like everybody liked Esther and that everybody wanted to help her.   But it wasn’t anything to do with anything other than God.   Do you know what I mean?  It was God’s foresight, plan and agenda.   Esther was chosen as part of that plan because God knew that He could trust her.  She was given a place of honor because she showed honor. God already knew that she wasn’t the kind of girl who would be in “it” just for herself...   He knew that she would be in “it” to help others.

Loving U Like a Sister,

Friday, June 10, 2011

Upon My Honor - Esther

Last week, we studied the one who showed no honor (Vashti) and we learned what not to do.   This week let’s study the one who showed great honor and learn more about what we should do.  Showing someone honor is to treat them as “significant.”  Esther treated everyone around her as if they were greatly significant.   One thing that will distinguish “honorable women” from others is that they tend to treat people the same, no matter who those people seem to be or not be.  Honorable people aren’t consumed with the idea of recognition or advancement and regularly practice “not showing partiality toward selective people.”  It’s not that they don’t want to move up or become more successful… they understand that God is the one who is in charge of promotion and He would never give anyone a greater opportunity to become a better snob!  Lol!  Do you know what I mean?  There’s nothing honorable about sucking up to the people you think to be “somebody” all the while ignoring those you consider to be of less importance.   

Even though he may not have appeared so at first, one of the most important people in Esther’s life was Hegai (the eunuch) who was placed in charge of her care.  She won his favor instantly by treating him with respect and honor.  Her honor is seen in her obedience to his instruction (don’t bother trying to fake honor with the right smile and speech if you are not going to respect and follow instruction).   Esther treated him like he was somebody worth listening to and she proved it by doing what he said.   Imagine how her relationship with him would have failed had she treated him as if he was just one of the king’s mere servants.   Hegai was the one who helped her win the king’s favor (Hegai had experience and a longer relationship with the king so he could direct her in what the king liked).  Something worth remembering today:  Many times it’s our regard for “mere servants” that help us win the favor of God; and with God’s favor comes reward, which generally includes a better position.
True honor can only come from a place of understanding humility, gratitude and our own self-worth.  Women who are unthankful about their own life have a difficult time showing honor because they always feel left out or that there’s “nothing in it” for them … Women who have low self-esteem will be confused thinking that showing honor is somehow an admittance that they are of lesser value…  And of course, women who are prideful will never feel the need to further empower any leader’s assumption that they are esteemed higher or outrank them. Lol!     Esther showed humility by allowing others to instruct and help her.  She showed that she found value in all people (even servants).  She respected the positions and opinions of others.  She proved that she knew how to show honor.  What a girl!  Log in next week and find out how her honor won the king and ultimately the crown!
Loving U Like a Sister,


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Upon My Honor - Queen Vashti

Let’s begin “Upon My Honor” with the one who refused to show any.  I remember reading Esther as a young Christian and thinking that Queen Vashti must have had a good reason for not showing up when the king sent for her.   I mean… we have no way of knowing if she was busy at that moment.  She gave a separate banquet for the women, so she could have been right in the middle of her party; so did the king really expect her to just drop everything to come out and cater to his wishes?  Was he that prideful or competitive to demand that she make an appearance just to make him look good?  Lol!  Oh! I don't have enough room on this page to list how many complaints that I’ve heard from women about this very thing!  Does God expect us to just drop everything for our husbands?    Remember: considering someone else’s need above your own is the very idea that Jesus portrayed for Christianity.  Many women sing, “Make me more like you; oh make me more like you!”  Well, your marriage certainly has the potential to do just that… make you more like Jesus! 

It’s not about esteeming ourselves as less than the man.  It’s all about holding the word of God in the highest esteem; knowing that when you honor God’s word, He will honor you.  In God’s word, we find His order or line-up; and ahead of you, in line, is your husband.  It seemed to all of the kings men that Queen Vashti's decision not to show up at her husband’s request was an unspoken message to everyone that he wasn’t important; at least not as important as what she was already doing.  The men viewed her behavior as irreverent and an insult to all husbands in general. 

We can learn a lot by studying these men’s perception.  It’s good for all of us women to understand that men tend to view and evaluate things differently.   How many times have you cooked something special for someone else but not anything special for your husband?  How good do you look when you leave for work or other places and how good do you want to look for your husband?  Oh, I know... he’s your best friend and he doesn’t care how you look…  Well, since you don't have any "wise men" at your service, I guess I'll have to be the one to tell you that even though he sincerely and honestly says that to you- Please… don’t be stupid!

You could be placing your highest honor onto someone who isn’t even a part of God’s line-up and then all together ignoring the most important people in your life.   How sad to be a woman who yields "her best" to everyone else and then totally misses it with her own husband...  Who we choose to treat  "significant" really matters to God.  And any woman who chooses to treat her husband dishonorably or insignificant need not bother thinking that God’s promises will come to pass in her life.  Give your best to your husband and God will give His best to you.  It’s just like everything else in the word… it’s up to you to believe it and apply it.  Living it will most likely cost you some pride.  I have lived long enough to learn that pride will eventually cost you much more though.  The price that Vashti paid was her position and crown.   I do wonder if she thought about it later and then regretted her decision.  After a divorce… many women do and will.

I know you want to read about equality and your own significance… it’s in here too...  Check back next week and read further as I continue the teaching “Upon My Honor.”

Loving U Like a Sister,


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Upon My Honor - Introduction

INTRODUCTION:  Probably many of us have seen the movie, “One Night with the King.”  I enjoyed the romantic spin that the writers tried to create but my interpretation from the book of Esther is somewhat different.  The thought of being brought to the king so that he can spend the night figuring out whether he likes you enough to make you queen, isn’t my idea of anything romantic.   Now don’t get mad at me for stating the facts… and don’t get mad at God either for allowing and even using such a thing.  He always meets humanity where humanity is; and for that we all should be grateful.   God shows up and works with people where they are and it’s never His fault when we end up in a less than ideal situation.   Earthly kings and earthly kingdoms were never God’s idea.  He warned man about the behavior of kings from the very beginning. 

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the story of Esther, let’s recap its beginning.   She was a Jewish girl who lost her parents at a young age; therefore, she was brought up by a relative named Mordecai.  It was a time of displacement for a lot of God’s chosen people because of their sin and disobedience.   The setting is around the Persian Empire where many of the Jews had ended up.  The story begins with the king (Ahasuerus) who orders a great feast with many dignitaries invited to show off some of the great splendor of his kingdom.  After feasting and drinking for a few days, the king sends for his queen (Vashti) so that he can show off her beauty to all of his male guests…   The only problem is… she’s busy giving a feast for the ladies and refuses to come at his request.  He was furious at her refusal and then later determined to take vengeance.  The king’s advisors suggested that he quickly remove her crown to teach her a lesson (not only her but to all women alike).
Their advice… Let young beautiful women be found and brought into the kingdom and then choose one to be your new queen  So the king’s workers began selecting eligible women to be brought in and of course, Esther was found and added as a part of their collection.  This story is not about a king falling in love with a fair maiden.   Nor is it about a young maiden falling for a handsome prince.   Really, the sweetest emotion that is felt is the wonderful attachment that God feels toward His people and how He refuses to give up on us, no matter where we’ve ended up.   God can save a family or an entire nation just by saving one person who chooses to obey Him; and in this story of Esther becoming queen, that’s exactly what He did.  

Funny… most people think of Esther’s beauty as being her greatest asset but I always point out that all of the women who were brought into the kingdom were beautiful (I don’t care who you are; please don’t ever think that "pretty" is enough, lol).  Because of the hand of God being upon her, Esther was able to offer something more significant than beauty to the king and his kingdom.  A woman’s attractiveness might get her noticed for a few seconds but it will always be the women who know AND show honor that will win and keep positions.  Log in next week and find out just what I mean.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Monday, May 16, 2011

What is JOURNEY Doing Now?

Thank you to everyone who attended the “Then I Became in His eyes as one who found Peace” conference in Beulaville last week.  The atmosphere and the group of women were awesome!  God never disappoints when people show up with that kind of expectation!  We were blessed to say the least.  It’s not too late for you to schedule this event in your church.  Women are definitely worth the investment.  

I tell the church, “Women carry a huge influence.”  If you can help bring change to a woman then you have helped bring change to an entire family!  She can build her house or tear it down with her hands.  Through Journey, God is healing and strengthening women so that they can build… you can read a good book but it is still the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage in our lives.  Many out of town conferences will be scheduled this year (usually great speakers, great shopping, great restaurants and great fun) but sadly the women who will need to be encouraged the most will not be able to attend because of their lack of finances.  Journey can help you bring the conference to them in your local church.

I’m very excited to invite those of you who are local to come join us for the next phase of the Journey out of Egypt ministry - “Journey Marriage.”  If you have looked at our website then you probably know that our vision begins with healing and strengthening women but our ultimate goal is to reunite the family back with God.  Journey Marriage is a local outreach for helping to heal and strengthen marriages through preaching, teaching, fun and fellowship.  We will begin meeting once a month here in one of our local churches.  If you would like more information about how to be a part of this once-a-month marriage celebration, you can contact us through our website-

In a few days, I will begin a new blog series, “Upon My Honor.”  Upon My Honor is one of my teachings from the book of Esther.    It has been my experience that women have heard more than enough about submission but haven’t heard nearly enough about honor.   God will never withhold anything good that He has promised us in His word but it will all depend on how and who we choose to honor.  As women, we tend to sometimes put a romantic spin on some of the Old Testament stories.  Esther is not a romantic novel but more of a story about obedience, faith and honor.  Most of us want something or need something from God.  And many women want to be given more opportunities and better positions where they can really make a difference.   Well, God is not stingy and He is handing down blessings one after the other… and girl, all you have to do is get in line… Upon My Honor will teach you how.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Several years ago, one of my little boys came into the room and asked if I could play.  In our home this was normal “mommy” behavior and was something that I did routinely.  Unfortunately though, that day I had a splitting headache and “playing” wasn’t anywhere on my agenda.  I told him that I could not play because my head was hurting; therefore, he insisted on praying for me (normal behavior for children who are brought up in church).   He put His hands on my head, asking God to "heal his mommy in Jesus name" and then he walked away.   He returned after a short time with his cars in his hands.  He said, “Are you ready to play?”  I said, “No honey, I told you that my head hurts!”  He looked at me confused and said, “No… I prayed for you!”

That was a very long time ago but I remember that I did get up and play. I wanted him to hang on to the faith that he had in his prayer.  Even though our sons aren’t little boys anymore (one in the Navy, one away at college, and two in High School), they still believe in prayer.  They have had many set-backs and failures but they still believe in prayer.  Their world is full of pressure, struggles, temptation and drawbacks; but they still believe in prayer.  Through war zones, motorcycle wrecks, peer pressure and even a best friend’s funeral; they still believe in prayer.  Problems, heartache, stress and pain… so far, they seem to understand that it is prayer that will help them make it through.

So today, if you feel like you live in a war zone, a wreck, or some kind of pressure cooker… pray.   Maybe there’s a set-back or you have fallen down in some way or another… you can still pray.   If you feel hurt, worried or tired of the same old struggle … don’t be too tired to pray.  Prayer alerts heaven and God will always send us His best reinforcement.   Through prayer, problems are solved; battles are won; folks are healed; paths are cleared; provision is made and people are saved.   In the Bible we are told to never stop praying and that our prayer profits greatly!  If you have stopped praying because you thought things weren’t changing or that God wasn’t listening… then it’s not only time for you to start praying again but it’s also time for you to start believing again. Prayer changes things.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is There Anything TOO DIFFICULT for God?

A few years ago, God called me and my husband to pastor a church where there were only seven people in the congregation.   This may sound ridiculous to some and probably even sounds like a waste of time to others, even though the "church" often proudly proclaims, “Jesus would have come down here for only one!”   Now, you would not believe the Spiritual warfare that we went through just to go through those doors.    We were mocked and talked about by several of our Christian peers who said that these seven people were obviously evil and ready to devour anyone who walked in.   We found our peer’s perception to be kind of funny because God had caused us to see the seven as pitiful, poisoned and in need of being rescued.   Their church had somehow, through time, gotten involved in a strange doctrine but all of them, except their teacher, seemed to be happy and enthused about our decision to pastor them.   And even though almost no one believed that my husband and I had heard from God, our journey there and back was a complete success.

The false doctrine was completely thrown out; the teacher and all of the others were recovered and restored.  Life sprang forth as they began feeding on the true word of God.   Most of them were older and at first they rarely opened their mouth…  But it didn’t take very long until they were all laughing, loving and praising God!   Of course with the church showing all of the signs of life, the community started taking interest and little by little, two or three at a time, it began to grow.   There are so many stories that I could share with you about God’s unfailing love, mercy and grace that we experienced during our time at that church…  So many sermons about how love can conquer fear and threat…  But the thing I would like to share with you today is this:  we walked away grateful for the awesome opportunity that we had been given to see God move mightily as He proved His possibilities.

He ended up being more than who we thought He was and He ended up doing more than what we even imagined that He would do.  The lady who was once guilty of false teaching not only became our piano player for praise and worship but also our dear friend.  She died a few years later... And as my husband preached her funeral, I couldn’t help but think about her being in heaven and how thankful I was that the Holy Spirit had helped us to believe that there was nothing too difficult for God.   Today, the Holy Spirit may be sending you forth to take on a task that is very difficult and maybe even looks impossible through the eyes of man.  Remember as you step forward… that what’s impossible with man is possible with God and there is nothing too difficult for Him.  You will never really know God beyond what you are willing to experience and experiencing Him will require you taking a risk.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Friday, April 15, 2011

Look a Little Deeper

A few years ago, a friend of mine was having a lot of trouble with an infection under her arm.  The doctor decided to make an incision that would speed up the healing time.  Well, what was supposed to be simple and routine, ended up being more serious and took forever.  After her ordeal was over, she and I had a discussion on the matter...  She said, “You would not believe what was in my arm… the doctor just kept pulling stuff out!”  She asked the doctor how all of that  "stuff" could have been in her arm!  The doctor explained that over a period of time, the infection had tunneled very deeply and that’s why it was taking so long to heal.  As we discussed it further, I started thinking of all the similarities between her arm and my Spiritual heart.

I often tell the church, “I have been on this journey for some time now and I am still amazed at the mess that God keeps pulling out of my heart.”  My reaction to Him is much like my friend’s reaction to her doctor; “That was in there all the time?  And, did all of that come out of there?”  I mean, just when I think that my heart has been completely revealed, God allows an encounter with the right kind of pull and pressure that causes some more stuff to manifest!  Oh the times that I’ve tried to blame my difficulties on certain people and certain encounters instead of admitting that if there was nothing ugly in my heart then the encounter couldn’t draw it out!  Do you know what I mean?  Being easily drawn or easily provoked in any way will have more to do with what’s going on inside you instead of what’s going on between you and others.

We cannot blame others for our lack of self-control, immaturity issues, lust, anger, jealousy…  Need I go on?   Instead of getting upset with others that seem to have personalities that draw you, provoke you, or really get your goat - thank God for allowing what was hidden in you to be revealed.  Without His help that stuff might sit there undetected, tunneling deeper and deeper.   After all, it is what’s in our heart that defiles us and it never hurts to look a little deeper.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Thursday, April 7, 2011

God Knows Perfectly!

Because of the fact that I can carry a tune, I have often been counseled and somewhat commanded by others in the church to: join the choir; lead Praise and Worship; sing at weddings and funerals, etc., etc. ... And there have been many times that I have been accused of false humility all because of refusing to call myself “a singer.”  It’s not that I mind singing but my range is somewhere around b minor and so because of this I refer to myself as a worshipper… not a singer!  If you have no range you cannot sing along with most people and sometimes it’s difficult to even get through a song without your voice cracking from the strain.  Had things been different, I would have gladly began an awesome music ministry (or maybe took the road to Nashville) a very long time ago. Lol! …

Along my journey, I have met many people who thought that they knew better what I should do, how I should do it, and who I should do it for.  And humorously enough, it was usually them that they were convinced that I should be doing it for.  I have never met a human being that I thought would make a very good God.  Another thing that has been interesting is that there have been numerous people along my journey that have scorned, tried to shame, and did their best to change me from being talkative.  The reason that this is funny is because it’s the very thing in my personality that God uses; not only as a speaker in church but also in casual settings where my willingness to communicate (lol) enables me to reach out to other women, helping them to feel acknowledged, accepted and comfortable.

God has a unique plan for all of us and His plan always matches His design.  His design (you) always matches His plan.  We don’t have to force ourselves into the shape or mold that someone else demands from us.  God planned our personality and matched it perfectly with our destiny.  He knows how and where He wants to use each of us.  If man was capable of calling, equipping and figuring out every detail of our life, we would have no need for the Holy Spirit.  Of course, I believe in friendship, partnership and mentorship and the accountability that it offers, but I have lived long enough to know that when it comes to the author and finisher of my faith…there is One who knows better than anyone else… my Lord.

Loving U like a Sister,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who Wants to Fight?

Salvation is free but gaining new territory will cost you something.  Many Christians quote the Prayer of Jabez from 1 Chronicles.  They can make it sound eloquent, easy and even romantic, as they proclaim; “Bless me, bless me indeed and enlarge my territory.”  Not to take anything away from God’s Word or its recital but we must understand, “not without a good fight!”

Back in those days, God not only allowed but He ordered many of the battles that His people faced.  Through fighting they gained favor, possessions, and territory (and sometimes it was just access to the path across).  Their knowledge of God and their dependence on Him increased with every rival.  How did they keep their peace in the middle of major conflict?  How were they able to maintain a feeling of security with the constant threat of an enemy?  In the same way that you and I can today; they were made fully aware of God’s good intention for them and His promise that they would prevail!  The word reached them and they chose to believe.

So is being a Christian all about conflict, battles and fighting?  Of course not!  Our daily walk with God can be paralleled to the many books of the Bible...  Some days we are like the psalmist singing songs and making melodies from our heart.  Some days are filled with passion and deep emotion like the words in Song of Solomon.  Some days are like Leviticus, Proverbs, and Paul’s writings; filled with instruction, letter and law.  Like everyone else on this earth -  we love, we live, we laugh, we cry and we grow...  But as Christians, we do have an enemy and as long as we live down here, we will have battles.

If we want to grow then we will have to fight for the new ground and sometimes we will have to fight just to keep what God has already given.  Who wants to fight?  Not me! But I have and I will because I have found peace in the promises of God.  Bless me, bless me indeed and enlarge my territory.  Yes, I am willing to stand, face and fight! God has spoken, it is written and I believe.  I  am going to win!

Loving U Like a Sister,

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jacob's Story

From the Series, "Between Two Women"

Jacob is where we will end "Between Two Women."  He was the one that all of the women in this story rallied around.  Rachel didn’t seem to put up a fight over marrying him even though he had already been with her sister.  Leah once bargained with Rachel offering her some special mandrakes (some kind of plant used back then for medicinal/fertility purposes) for a night alone with him.  And neither Bilhah nor Zilpah seemed very eager to leave the awkward "let’s all share him" family circle.  Doesn’t that sound outrageous to all of us?  I mean, what woman with any pride would put up with such a crazy mess?  Lol!  Hmm…  I could tell you many stories about women from today’s generation and their ridiculous behavior over a man that is just as outrageous as these four! 

What was so special about Jacob anyway?  Why would all these women agree to such a defrauding environment?  Could it be that these women found satisfaction in what Jacob could provide for each of them individually?  Rachel was her daddy’s favorite, so in order to leave, she needed a man who could outshine her father and Jacob obviously didn’t disappoint in the "shine" department.  Leah was rejected by their father so she needed to be with a man who could offer her some much needed affirmation (many women seem to find some kind of validation through a sexual union with someone they consider to be elevated).  Jacob stood out and was thought of as "special" by all of the people around him; so for Leah, getting to be his wife made her feel special too.  Bilhah and Zilpah needed refuge and a future for the children that they wanted to bear; Jacob provided both.

As Christians, of course we don’t practice nor do we condone polygamy but I do believe that women can learn a lot from this study of a "less than perfect" family:  Our attraction to man can be more about our greatest need rather than our greatest wisdom.  Sometimes, our greatest fear can outweigh our greatest pride.  Our greatest love will always come from God above.  And, we have a great promise in life but generally can only find it by what we are willing to sacrifice

 God was able to give them a good return on what they were willing to surrender.  He had a plan for each of them and was able to bring something good out of their heartache and misery.  What was really between them was an opportunity to reach for God and rise above their situation.  He became everything they needed and He stood in place of everything that was lacking.  God caused man to do everything that he could do and God did everything else that man couldn’t do.  Between Two Women was a good place to find desperation, trouble and some people at their worst but it was also the place that God used to show His sovereignty, kindness and His great love.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bilhah and Zilpah's Story

From the Series, "Between Two Women"

Even though they are often overlooked, Bilhah and Zilpah were two very important women in the Bible.  They were the other mothers of the twelve tribes of Israel and that fact alone should place them in high regard.  So why is it that they don’t seem to get the recognition that Rachel and Leah do?  In my opinion: it’s because they were not from a significant (family) bloodline and were not legal wives only concubines.  It’s sometimes difficult to understand bloodline promises and the privileges of wives versus concubines from the biblical standpoint.  It is also difficult to understand Middle Eastern culture from so long ago…  Back then, legal wives had a position of honor, rights and respect.  Concubines had their basic needs met but they had no public esteem and no legal right to anything (the law protected them from being thrown out onto the street and that was about it).

Millions of women from all over the world are born into similar circumstances, like these two, where they feel powerless or helpless to change things.  That’s why it is so important to support the outreach of the Gospel of Jesus Christ beyond our local churches.  Our God is a freeing God to every woman from every nation.  Although Bilhah and Zilpah were called maids, they were basically slave girls who worked for their mistress (owner).  They were both given to the husband of their owners to have his babies.  In those days, maids could bear these children and hand them over because according to the law and custom anyone born in the house was considered property of the mistress.  We have no way of really knowing how they each felt about this situation.  There is a similar story from an earlier time between Abraham and his wife’s maid, Hagar, where it seemed she was proud that she had given birth to his child.  But I’m sure that she wasn’t so proud on the day that she and her child were both sent away almost empty handed.

I can’t speak for Bilhah and Zilpah personally but I can tell you that a normal woman would want to be given a place of value and treated like she was somebody, no matter where she came from.  No woman in her right mind would want to give her body to be used to provide a service instead of being in a relationship where she is deeply loved and cared for.  But sadly, Bilhah and Zilpah weren’t born with the same opportunities as Rachel and Leah.  Somehow, someone failed to protect them and offer them a secure future or else they would have never ended up as maids for mistresses.  One thing that is great about this story though, is that their sons were given what they never had!  They were given an inheritance with the rest of Jacobs’s offspring.  Normally, sons from concubines weren’t considered heirs.  Bilhah and Zilpah were smart enough to understand the rights and privileges of adoption.  They knew that handing them over to Rachel and Leah would ensure the father’s blessing over their sons.  Between these two women was a pitiful beginning but a much better ending for their children -  all because of their choices based on the ending result instead of an emotional now.  Wow!  God grant all of us that kind of wisdom!!

Next week...  Jacob.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Monday, February 14, 2011

Rachel's Story

From the Series, "Between Two Women"

Oh to be born Rachel... Beautiful eyes, beautiful figure and I imagine a beautiful smile!  I say beautiful smile because it’s easy to smile when everyone in your world treats you like you are something special.  You can tell that Rachel’s father knew that she was a valuable girl, thinking he could use her as a bargaining tool to get more work out of Jacob… and he did.  We can easily determine that Leah was probably very jealous of the way that Rachel was treated by the men in their family.  How many of us have known of a situation where a woman is chosen not because of her “good works” but because of her “good looks?”  I’m sure we have all seen it at one time or another. But aren’t you glad that God’s love for us isn’t tainted by the way we look?  God is never impressed with outward appearance and His attachment to us will always be based on a love that goes much deeper than our skin.  Don’t you wish that more men had that kind of depth and character?  Well either way, one thing that I can surely minister to you today is that whether you are born a Leah or a Rachel, you still need God!

Man’s acceptance and approval surely feels good to us but it is a very weak substitute for faith.  When it comes down to the big issues in life, we are going to need the help of someone much bigger than man.  The biggest stumbling block in Rachel’s life was the one thing that most women want desperately. Because of the favor and acceptance that she had with man, Rachel didn’t know how to go to a higher power.  When she couldn’t conceive a child, she sought the help of her maid and not God.   Instead of praying, she cried out to her husband thinking that he could fix her!  And when they finally left out on their journey, she stole the little fake gods from her father’s house that he worshipped (small wooden statues)?!  Even though Rachel was desperate it seems that she had no earthly idea who it was that could really help her.  I’m thinking that she should have paid more attention to the names that were given to Leah’s sons…  Reuben (behold, God sees); Simeon (He has heard); Levi (attached to the Lord); Judah (let God be praised); Issachar (God's reward); and Zebulun (dwelling of honor)!

Rachel had a good start in life but no promise of one without any problems.  Just because a woman  looks like she has everything, doesn’t mean that she does!  You wouldn’t have to take too many steps in her shoes to figure that out.  No woman will be exempt from issues or pain in this life and a deeper look into that wisdom is a cure for much jealousy and envy.  It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that some women have it made or that maybe their life is easier or better.  Every woman will have something to contend with and each of us will have something to overcome.  A good ending will be all about who we decide to serve and make our God (remember there’s only one, the great I AM). Rachel did eventually seek and find the one true God and as He did with Leah, He heard from heaven and gave her children as well - two sons!  She died giving birth the second time (sad) but in that sadness, she did leave a legacy that lives on today.   Rachel’s agony over the state of her children is mentioned in the New Testament during the time that King Herod was seeking and attempting to kill Jesus.  We are reminded that on her deathbed, Rachel left mothers everywhere a message:  it is God who we can cry out to and He will hear, help and save.  God’s love for Rachel was purer, greater and more beneficial to her than that of any man.  How sad that it took her so long to figure it out.  But I’m thinking, better late than never… Next week, Bilhah and Zilpah… Between Two Women.

Loving U Like a Sister,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Leah's Story

From the Series, "Between Two Women"

Poor, pitiful and weak-eyed Leah...  Her dad sure didn’t think much of her...  I mean, how many of us had a dad who thought so little of us that he had to trick a man into marrying us?  How was her husband supposed to respond to her after that kind of deception?  Leah was more of a burden and obligation to Jacob than someone that he chose (sad).   Remember, he was in hot pursuit of the beautiful and eye-catching Rachel.  Not her...  Imagine how Leah must have felt on her wedding night knowing that she wasn’t the one that he really wanted and then imagine the week they had to spend together closed in from all the others.  Through the years, I have talked with women who seem to think that they know exactly how she felt.  In some very private conversations, a few women have made statements to me like, “my husband doesn’t love me, he just uses my body.”  This is not a confession or prayer request that you will hear in the morning church service (smile).  That’s why the Journey ministry is so important.  It is a place where women can find answers and help for intimate problems and questions that have the potential to bring unnecessary exposure and shame if presented anywhere else.  God will always hear a sincere prayer and He will always offer help to every woman who seeks him in truth.

Back to the story… so Leah finds herself stuck in a relationship with a man who offers her no friendship, intimacy or love.  But our God, who can do anything, looked down from heaven and saw everything.  He saw that Leah was unloved, unappreciated and in a lot of ways, ignored.  So He decided to level the playing field.  God caused Leah to give Jacob sons.  Now, you must understand that back in those days, this placed Leah in high demand and honor.  Ooh! Her sister was so envious and mad!  Giving birth to sons placed the highest value possible on a woman, whether she had gorgeous eyes or not (lol) and Rachel knew it.  Funny how God can flip a thing!  God gave Leah help and hope for a long future with her husband Jacob.  Leah never failed to recognize who it was that was helping her and her praise of God went into the very naming of her children.  Women who want to be given something better or a "better hand in life" can learn a lot from Leah:  never fail to give or leave a testimony when God decides to move on your behalf and give you help or favor and never pass up an opportunity to let the next generation know that out of every mess, IT WAS GOD!

So, God gave back to Leah her place of value that was lost in the beginning but what about friendship and love?  It’s in the story as well.  Some people seem to overlook the concept that in order for Leah to keep getting pregnant time and time again, Jacob had to keep returning to her time and time again.  Once Jacob saw that Leah could conceive he routinely spent time with her.  At that time Jacob had access to both Leah and Rachel but he obviously wasn’t ignoring Leah.  Women need to know that it is nearly impossible for a man to be repeatedly and routinely making love to a woman and not feel any affection for her.  Even though Jacob may have never felt the same passion for Leah that he did for Rachel, there had to be a bond built between them.  We know that Rachel died giving birth on their journey, so she didn't get to be buried with the rest of the family on the ground that Abraham had purchased years before.  It was Leah who not only got to grow old with Jacob but she also was the one who got to be buried with her husband in the family cemetery (I know what you’re thinking, but trust me, back in those days it was an honor).  So for Leah, the ending of this thing was better than its beginning… God looked down and saw that Leah was unloved and HE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Log on next week to find out more about Rachel... 

Loving U Like a Sister,


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Between Two Women...

INTRODUCTION:  The story of Rachel, Leah and Jacob is one of the most interesting situations found in the Holy Bible.  Jacob gets deceived into marrying Leah instead of Rachel.  He wakes up the next morning to find out that his new bride is not the bride of his dreams.  Then, he’s promised Rachel too, if he will just work for her father a little longer.  Rachel can’t conceive but Leah surely can and does, giving birth to boy after boy!  Jacob then starts having kids with Rachel’s maid and then he has some kids with Leah’s maid...  Leah gives birth a few more times and one turns out to be a girl.  After what must have seemed like an eternity to her, Rachel finally conceives and gives birth to a son.  But sadly, while nearing the end of a long journey with the entire family, Rachel dies giving birth to a second son.   So there goes the story of Jacob (later known as Israel) and the beginning of the twelve tribes of Israel (all those sons that belonged to the four above mentioned women added up to twelve). 

Does this story sound more like a soap opera than an actual event from the Bible involving God’s chosen people?  Many women have been shocked to read about polygamy and some of the specific events from the Old Testament.  Especially our generation of women who frequently ask me questions like, “Did God let them away with that?” lol!   Ministry on this earth has always come packaged in human flesh and even though this story is from long ago, Jacob is a great example of a man reaping what he sowed.   Trust me, no one in the Old Testament or anywhere else in the Bible got away with anything.  Bad decisions will always have bad results.  Still though, you would be amazed at how often God uses carnal people to teach spiritual people valuable lessons.  The truth is that God can use anyone from anywhere at any time to do anything that He pleases.  The focus for us as women should be on the good news of the story which is:  if God took a dysfunctional family like Rachel and Leah’s and began a godly heritage, there is definitely hope for us and ours!  

Rachel and Leah had a complicated life, to say the least.  They both lived on the opposite side of what women want.  Rachel desperately wanted a child, or in today’s language, wanted something to make her feel alive and accomplished, while Leah desperately wanted to be beautiful and loved by a man.  Take note that God never scorned neither idea from either of these two women.  He never once scolded them for what they desired and longed for.  God understands that in every woman there’s a deep desire to be loved and at the same time a deep desire to accomplish something worthwhile.  The truth is that most women are somewhere in the middle of these two women’s dilemma and can usually be found fluctuating to either side depending on the season they are in.  

Rachel and Leah’s story is where many familiar problems are commonly found among women.  It’s where most women give up and are defeated or either persuaded to finally seek the face of God.  Our most difficult circumstance can be somewhere in the middle of these two identities.  It’s where we can give up and live in despair, just wishing we could live on the other side or it can be the place where we find the greatest truth about God, man and self-acceptance.  The study of "Between Two Women" begins with LeahLog on next week to find out all about her.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Thursday, January 20, 2011

2011... Off to a Great Start!

We are almost ready to unveil the new website and are so excited about the promise of God for Journey’s future in helping women all around the world.  God has never been lacking in promises so we must be sure to not be lacking in faith.  I want to thank you today for all of the messages that you sent me concerning the teaching on the blog.  Your comments and feedback are encouraging and important.  As for the prayer requests, we always remember you and your families and are fully convinced that God is faithful.   Thank you to all the ladies who are leaving messages for us from the Philippines.  You mean so much to us here at Journey and our prayer is to visit you again soon!   

We are already a few weeks into the New Year.  Many will be fasting and praying for direction and help concerning personal plans this year and most pastors will be seeking God for vision and direction concerning their congregation.  We just ask, as you seek the Lord, that you would consider Journey in your prayer.  As you know Journey Out of Egypt Ministries is a new ministry designed to help encourage Christian women and is always in need of your prayer and support.  I’ve lived long enough to know that what we are willing to help make happen for others, God will make happen for us.  I’ve also lived long enough to know that women are definitely worth the investment.  

I will begin a new teaching series next week entitled “Between Two Women.”  It’s a study of Rachel and Leah from Genesis chapter 29 and 30.  This story between two sisters is filled with heartache, passion and pain.  It can be used as a great tool to help guide women through some interesting facts of life (like envy,  betrayal and rivalry - for starters).  There are a lot of women out there (like Leah) that feel as is if life handed them a bad deal and in this study you will find out that God has a great promise for you no matter what kind of hand you were dealt.  No matter how overlooked or rejected you feel, God wants you to know that He has chosen you.  As for the women who feel that maybe they have a better hand but still feel so empty on the inside (like Rachel), God wants you to know that He has a plan for your life and will fill every empty area.  In this study, you will learn that man's acceptance (no matter how much they like you) is not enough.   “Between Two Women” will help you see that God’s love for each of us is not lacking in any way and that He cares deeply about every intimate area of our life and every situation that we so many times find ourselves “stuck in.”  I can tell you that He not only cares but He is the only one who can do something about it!

So Log on next week for “Between Two Women” and we will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Loving U Like a Sister,