Friday, June 17, 2011

Upon My Honor - Esther (Part 2)

Besides treating others significantly, another attribute of honor is:  Being in “it” to help others, not just to look good or feel good about yourself.   Selfish ambition will give up quickly and will not keep you for the long haul in anything.   When our desire is to really help others, we are less likely to become discouraged over the process of time.  Having a real burden for people will keep you through the difficult times but any motivation that is based on vain desire will not be enough to keep you from quitting right in the middle of something.  Esther proved that she was in "it" for more than just her comfort, status or safety.  She was made completely aware that her freedom came with a great price and that helping the others could possibly be the reason that she had been given such an awesome opportunity.

Even though His name is never mentioned, God’s power and plan is evident throughout the entire book of Esther.  We not only see that He had a plan but we also see His foreknowledge of everyone that He would use.  God knows perfectly who to choose for what.  He knew that Esther would be obedient to His call, surrendered to His plan, and overwhelmed by the burden for the loss of her people.  He knew that she would want to help and that her passion to save them would be strong enough to move her into taking great risks; and, of course, He knew that He couldn’t and wouldn’t even come close to failing her or letting her down.  He sovereignly orchestrated the events of Esther's life; letting her be brought into the kingdom, giving her the position and crown and eventually using her to save many people.  
Esther won the hearts of everyone around her because she had already won the heart of God.  And no one, not even a King, can withstand a woman who has the hand of God all over her.   Has anyone ever just liked you or just randomly offered to help you as you walked away wondering why?   Well, now you know that it was probably the hand of God.  I have learned that If God likes you then He will cause the right people to like you too.   He knows how to direct our steps and how to send certain people along the way to offer us their assistance.  Seems like everybody liked Esther and that everybody wanted to help her.   But it wasn’t anything to do with anything other than God.   Do you know what I mean?  It was God’s foresight, plan and agenda.   Esther was chosen as part of that plan because God knew that He could trust her.  She was given a place of honor because she showed honor. God already knew that she wasn’t the kind of girl who would be in “it” just for herself...   He knew that she would be in “it” to help others.

Loving U Like a Sister,