Monday, May 24, 2010

Mercy and Second Chances...

Hello friends!  Good Monday morning...  If you messed up last week, here's your opportunity to start all over again!  lol  Most of us have had to depend on a second chance once or twice in our lives...  But, the question would be, "how willing have we been to give them"?  Sometimes, it seems that we want mercy for us and judgment for our enemies without even thinking about how far off our mentality is from the Word of God.

A few years back, a woman would routinely seek me out for prayer.  She was always heavily burdened by her grown children's sinful behavior.  She had two children who were both addicted to drugs and alcohol and wanted the comfort of knowing someone would help her pray.  So, to me, out of what seemed to be a hemmed-in, no choice situation, I would routinely help this woman pray.

We prayed with tears of the utmost sincerity and declared the Word of God over her children's lives.  We refused to believe God for anything but mercy and second chances, especially for her son who was then facing criminal charges.  She believed God and He showed up with handfuls of mercy, not taking away the penalty but certainly softening the blow.  I know personally that her children have been given many second chances.  lol

One day this same woman asked me to help her pray about a situation involving her husband.  I couldn't help but notice that for her husband, she lacked that same desire for mercy that she had for her children.  She quickly passed up God's promise of help and went straight to ask Him for judgment and sentencing against her husband.  Not only did I notice it, I called her on it!   I reminded her of what Jesus said.  He had a lot to say about mercy and judgment.  God's Spirit was able to help her see the anger and fear in her prayer and she was able to readjust. 

Maybe there's someone in your life who doesn't deserve it, but needs mercy and a second chance...  One thing that we can all be reminded of today is that Jesus said when it comes to mercy and judgment, we can expect a return on what we have given.

Loving U like a Sister,


Monday, May 17, 2010

Miracles in the Local Church!

Hello friends!  Good Monday morning.  What a great day for a miracle to happen!  Do you believe in miracles?  Yes, probably most of us do.  Do you expect to see miracles?  Probably some of us do.  An older gentleman once told me that he didn't believe that the kind of miracles from the bible still happen today in our time.  Now, I was not this gentleman's teacher, so I remained quiet.  But of course, I do believe in modern day miracles.  As a matter of fact, I believe that the local churches are filled with them!

In our church alone we have the prodigal son who has now returned home, and a woman with an issue of blood dried up!  We now have many seeing people who were once blind, and many who were unclean that are now well!  We have groups of people who have travelled long journeys with God parting rivers and oceans of opposition so that they could pass through.  There are several prisoners who once had a life sentence and are now seated on the pew after receiving a pardon. There's a woman who was once bowed over who now stands up straight, and I have to point out that there are many, many of us who were once dead and now have been brought back to life! 

Now, to the believers, I know you remember the scripture where Jesus sent back John's (the Baptist), disciples to tell him what they saw...  The blind see and the lame walk;  the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the Gospel preached to them.  And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.

In the local church, we see these miracles EVERY service.  Thank God for local churches and pastors who still believe in the miracles of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  If you don't believe that miracles still exist today in our time - maybe you better look again!

Loving U like a Sister,


Thursday, May 13, 2010

HE sees better than me...

Hello friends!  How easy it is being on the outside looking in instead of being on the inside looking out!  Have you ever listened to someone speak and very quickly you recognized an area of their thinking that needed some adjustments?  We all have, most likely.  I was listening to a man talk last night when almost instantly, I percieved that his perception of a certain situation was a "little cloudy".  lol  Then later I thought to myself, "If only our self-perception was as keen as our perception of others!!" 

I say this because we really are the only one in our life that can make personal adjustments.  Do you know what I mean?  It's up to each of us as individuals to make corrections in our own thinking, character and behavior.  No matter how clearly others see that we need some adjustments, if we can't see it, it will never happen!

How wonderful though to have the Holy Spirit with us.  What illumination He is able to bring to every thought, word and action.  He doesn't miss a thing!  I was recently in prayer and the Holy Spirit corrected something that I had been saying for several months now without any idea that what I had been saying was offensive to God.  In reference to ministry, somehow I had gotten into the routine of saying, "My only qualification is that I care."  I am not sure how I even got started saying that but the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Caring is not a qualification!  Lot's of people care.  Your qualification is the Spirit of the Lord is upon you because He has annointed you to preach the Gospel!" 

WOW!  Correction received and adjustment acknowledged.  Thank you God for not leaving us to figure all of this out on our own.  Thank you God that when self-perception fails, your Spirit is sharp!

Loving U like a Sister,


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Real Purpose, Real Value, Real Important!

Hello friends!  As a pastor's wife, I am frequently approached by young women in the church that are eager to find their place in the Kingdom of God.  Someone, somewhere, told them that they were born with a purpose and they are enthusiastic to find it out!  Unfortunately, these women are looking up instead of down

As I look back over the years, I can't help but laugh at the times I argued with God over my purpose.  Oh, so many times, my focus was on high places that seem to offer a promise of value and importance.  But the Holy Spirit was always so good at leading me to look at the lower places instead.  I often tell people about the widow woman (she had no children) who God allowed me to serve for seven years.  Now, THAT was a great fulfillment of God's purpose for me.  Serving her gave me great value and importance because SHE was great, valuable and extremely important to God.

Today, if you are searching for greatness, or a great purpose in the Kingdom of God, don't ever look beyond the Scriptures.  Jesus said the servant shall be the greatest of all.  I've been asked by several people lately, "what will you do this summer?".  My reply has been, "I'm not sure who and where, but I am sure I will serve somebody!  lol

One thing that I've learned, you are never too young or too old to serve.  To me, "ministry" is all about life application.  The more we serve, the more we will learn and grow.  The more we learn, the more we can impart to the generation coming up behind us.  As long as we stay in line and in order, God will be pleased.  Are you looking for a great opportunity this summer?  The greatest opportunities are hidden in the lowest places where most people never go!

Loving U like a Sister,
