Saturday, January 29, 2011

Between Two Women...

INTRODUCTION:  The story of Rachel, Leah and Jacob is one of the most interesting situations found in the Holy Bible.  Jacob gets deceived into marrying Leah instead of Rachel.  He wakes up the next morning to find out that his new bride is not the bride of his dreams.  Then, he’s promised Rachel too, if he will just work for her father a little longer.  Rachel can’t conceive but Leah surely can and does, giving birth to boy after boy!  Jacob then starts having kids with Rachel’s maid and then he has some kids with Leah’s maid...  Leah gives birth a few more times and one turns out to be a girl.  After what must have seemed like an eternity to her, Rachel finally conceives and gives birth to a son.  But sadly, while nearing the end of a long journey with the entire family, Rachel dies giving birth to a second son.   So there goes the story of Jacob (later known as Israel) and the beginning of the twelve tribes of Israel (all those sons that belonged to the four above mentioned women added up to twelve). 

Does this story sound more like a soap opera than an actual event from the Bible involving God’s chosen people?  Many women have been shocked to read about polygamy and some of the specific events from the Old Testament.  Especially our generation of women who frequently ask me questions like, “Did God let them away with that?” lol!   Ministry on this earth has always come packaged in human flesh and even though this story is from long ago, Jacob is a great example of a man reaping what he sowed.   Trust me, no one in the Old Testament or anywhere else in the Bible got away with anything.  Bad decisions will always have bad results.  Still though, you would be amazed at how often God uses carnal people to teach spiritual people valuable lessons.  The truth is that God can use anyone from anywhere at any time to do anything that He pleases.  The focus for us as women should be on the good news of the story which is:  if God took a dysfunctional family like Rachel and Leah’s and began a godly heritage, there is definitely hope for us and ours!  

Rachel and Leah had a complicated life, to say the least.  They both lived on the opposite side of what women want.  Rachel desperately wanted a child, or in today’s language, wanted something to make her feel alive and accomplished, while Leah desperately wanted to be beautiful and loved by a man.  Take note that God never scorned neither idea from either of these two women.  He never once scolded them for what they desired and longed for.  God understands that in every woman there’s a deep desire to be loved and at the same time a deep desire to accomplish something worthwhile.  The truth is that most women are somewhere in the middle of these two women’s dilemma and can usually be found fluctuating to either side depending on the season they are in.  

Rachel and Leah’s story is where many familiar problems are commonly found among women.  It’s where most women give up and are defeated or either persuaded to finally seek the face of God.  Our most difficult circumstance can be somewhere in the middle of these two identities.  It’s where we can give up and live in despair, just wishing we could live on the other side or it can be the place where we find the greatest truth about God, man and self-acceptance.  The study of "Between Two Women" begins with LeahLog on next week to find out all about her.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Thursday, January 20, 2011

2011... Off to a Great Start!

We are almost ready to unveil the new website and are so excited about the promise of God for Journey’s future in helping women all around the world.  God has never been lacking in promises so we must be sure to not be lacking in faith.  I want to thank you today for all of the messages that you sent me concerning the teaching on the blog.  Your comments and feedback are encouraging and important.  As for the prayer requests, we always remember you and your families and are fully convinced that God is faithful.   Thank you to all the ladies who are leaving messages for us from the Philippines.  You mean so much to us here at Journey and our prayer is to visit you again soon!   

We are already a few weeks into the New Year.  Many will be fasting and praying for direction and help concerning personal plans this year and most pastors will be seeking God for vision and direction concerning their congregation.  We just ask, as you seek the Lord, that you would consider Journey in your prayer.  As you know Journey Out of Egypt Ministries is a new ministry designed to help encourage Christian women and is always in need of your prayer and support.  I’ve lived long enough to know that what we are willing to help make happen for others, God will make happen for us.  I’ve also lived long enough to know that women are definitely worth the investment.  

I will begin a new teaching series next week entitled “Between Two Women.”  It’s a study of Rachel and Leah from Genesis chapter 29 and 30.  This story between two sisters is filled with heartache, passion and pain.  It can be used as a great tool to help guide women through some interesting facts of life (like envy,  betrayal and rivalry - for starters).  There are a lot of women out there (like Leah) that feel as is if life handed them a bad deal and in this study you will find out that God has a great promise for you no matter what kind of hand you were dealt.  No matter how overlooked or rejected you feel, God wants you to know that He has chosen you.  As for the women who feel that maybe they have a better hand but still feel so empty on the inside (like Rachel), God wants you to know that He has a plan for your life and will fill every empty area.  In this study, you will learn that man's acceptance (no matter how much they like you) is not enough.   “Between Two Women” will help you see that God’s love for each of us is not lacking in any way and that He cares deeply about every intimate area of our life and every situation that we so many times find ourselves “stuck in.”  I can tell you that He not only cares but He is the only one who can do something about it!

So Log on next week for “Between Two Women” and we will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Loving U Like a Sister,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Number 7: Femininity’s Creator and Helper is God

Woman… God’s Good Thing! An In-depth look into Femininity from the Proverbs 31 Woman

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

Most women catch on early in life that there is definitely a sensual part of us that will (usually) “move” even the wisest man.  The world tends to think that Christian women aren’t in touch with things like sensuality.  It’s not that we are not in touch, it’s just that most of us understand the concept: use it, don’t abuse it!  We can do sexy, but we choose to keep it between us and our husbands and don’t feel the need to exploit it or wear it on our sleeves.  As for performing for the men, it’s not that we don’t know how… it’s just that we know better!  We also know the answer to the question, to what avail and to what profit is any favor that is relinquished to you based on your sensuality?  If you act to gain their favor then you must keep on acting to keep it and you will miss out on every part of you that is authentic and real.  Also worth considering, the performance can get old quickly to most men and trying to keep up with it all will eventually become exhausting to you.  Performing for the world while you ignore His commandments is an unspoken message to God that your fear and reverence is more toward man than Him.

It’s not that women don’t need the favor of man, we most certainly do (not everyone just the right one).  Every successful woman that is mentioned in the Bible had the help and favor of some man.  Those listed as having found favor with man also were noted for their fear of God.  There are others that were noted for making their own way but their ending was not anything that would entice you to imitate them.  There were women who performed to gain favor and there were women who prayed and trusted God to give them favor.  You might ask, "What’s the difference?"  Well, one of the differences is this; if you follow God and wait on Him to give you favor then you will also have His help with timingGod not only knows where you need to be but He also knows when you need to be there.  Because this is the beginning of a New Year, you will probably hear a lot of messages about vision and while vision is important, please be mindful of timing.  Performance driven lives are almost never in sequence with what God is doing.  But women who fear God are led by His Spirit and always seem to be in the right place at the right time.

As women, we will probably always care about man’s opinion to some degree and will sometimes be tempted to perform for their help or approval.  After all, we are the glory of man and it’s hard not to desire their acceptance.  As Christian women though, we must understand who it is that is the greatest and who it is that offers us the greatest reward.  God will give honor to the women who fear Him and He will give favor to all of those who hold His word in high regard.  The blessing of the Lord is not one that man can assign nor can he withhold.  Our God is a great God and is in charge of favor, woman and man. He will help us because we are the creation of His hands.  Give us of the fruit of our hands and let our own works praise us in the gates.  We are women…God’s good thing!

Loving U Like a Sister,


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Number 6: Femininity Has an Instinct for Balance and Order

Woman… God’s Good Thing! An In-depth look into Femininity from the Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 woman watched over the ways of her household and did not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arose and called her blessed; her husband also, and he praised her.

Women were designed to produce and are miserable when they are not.  It doesn't have to be a "baby", we just want and need to be a part of something that we can feel good about.  Production has a lot to do with career choices and can be a part of the reason why married women sometimes go in search of a job.  Now I know that you might say, "Maybe it's because she needs the money".  In some cases, that's definitely true.  Most households could benefit from more income, but never underestimate the power of personal satisfaction that is gained by the production that her job offers.  For the woman with the family though, she could very well end up in a major struggle for time, balance and order.   God understands all of this and gave femininity a nature that draws her toward balance and order and His Word can be completely trusted as her guide.

Purposely prioritizing your day (or your life for that matter) in agreement with God’s word, will be one of the wisest decisions you will ever make.  Choosing to ignore the order given in God’s word will always be a set up for failure.  It may not look like failure to the world but women who ignore their responsibility to their children and husband will certainly not like the ending result.  Note the women who strive to keep intimacy with God, their husband and children.  They are the women who have less chaos, confusion, and yes, infidelity in their life.  Today, women are much busier than they’ve ever been but I’m not sure that their production is at its best.  Sometimes where we choose to produce can end up being a time thief more than a place where we are actually producing.

I can tell you that I have many women friends who are stay-at-home moms who have a full day of production.  I also have many women friends who have a family and a job who seem to stay in a healthy balance.  Of course, I do know some on both sides who have neither.  Balance and order in our life has nothing to do with a career choice but a lot to do with devotion and even more to do with peace of mind.  Femininity is instinctive at keeping things in order.  We have a natural and spiritual ability given to us by God that causes us to think about Him, our family, and how to prioritize it all.  Women that have learned how to produce (whatever or wherever) with their family getting their fair share of time have achieved the real success.  Wives who have prioritized their daily routine, with their husband not feeling left out at the end of the day, are women who understand more than just a few things about life.  If the Proverbs 31 woman could accomplish all that she did and still remained watchful over her household, she not only understood balance and order... She mastered it.

The Proverbs 31 woman was very busy, but not too busy, to look after her own household.  The instinct for order and balance is in every woman.  Never override that voice inside your heart that is helping you make decisions based on what will give you peace of mind.  Production is a good thing!  Production with balance and order is an even better thing.  Log on next week for the final segment in the study of Woman... God's Good Thing.

Loving U Like a Sister,
