Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Several years ago, one of my little boys came into the room and asked if I could play.  In our home this was normal “mommy” behavior and was something that I did routinely.  Unfortunately though, that day I had a splitting headache and “playing” wasn’t anywhere on my agenda.  I told him that I could not play because my head was hurting; therefore, he insisted on praying for me (normal behavior for children who are brought up in church).   He put His hands on my head, asking God to "heal his mommy in Jesus name" and then he walked away.   He returned after a short time with his cars in his hands.  He said, “Are you ready to play?”  I said, “No honey, I told you that my head hurts!”  He looked at me confused and said, “No… I prayed for you!”

That was a very long time ago but I remember that I did get up and play. I wanted him to hang on to the faith that he had in his prayer.  Even though our sons aren’t little boys anymore (one in the Navy, one away at college, and two in High School), they still believe in prayer.  They have had many set-backs and failures but they still believe in prayer.  Their world is full of pressure, struggles, temptation and drawbacks; but they still believe in prayer.  Through war zones, motorcycle wrecks, peer pressure and even a best friend’s funeral; they still believe in prayer.  Problems, heartache, stress and pain… so far, they seem to understand that it is prayer that will help them make it through.

So today, if you feel like you live in a war zone, a wreck, or some kind of pressure cooker… pray.   Maybe there’s a set-back or you have fallen down in some way or another… you can still pray.   If you feel hurt, worried or tired of the same old struggle … don’t be too tired to pray.  Prayer alerts heaven and God will always send us His best reinforcement.   Through prayer, problems are solved; battles are won; folks are healed; paths are cleared; provision is made and people are saved.   In the Bible we are told to never stop praying and that our prayer profits greatly!  If you have stopped praying because you thought things weren’t changing or that God wasn’t listening… then it’s not only time for you to start praying again but it’s also time for you to start believing again. Prayer changes things.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is There Anything TOO DIFFICULT for God?

A few years ago, God called me and my husband to pastor a church where there were only seven people in the congregation.   This may sound ridiculous to some and probably even sounds like a waste of time to others, even though the "church" often proudly proclaims, “Jesus would have come down here for only one!”   Now, you would not believe the Spiritual warfare that we went through just to go through those doors.    We were mocked and talked about by several of our Christian peers who said that these seven people were obviously evil and ready to devour anyone who walked in.   We found our peer’s perception to be kind of funny because God had caused us to see the seven as pitiful, poisoned and in need of being rescued.   Their church had somehow, through time, gotten involved in a strange doctrine but all of them, except their teacher, seemed to be happy and enthused about our decision to pastor them.   And even though almost no one believed that my husband and I had heard from God, our journey there and back was a complete success.

The false doctrine was completely thrown out; the teacher and all of the others were recovered and restored.  Life sprang forth as they began feeding on the true word of God.   Most of them were older and at first they rarely opened their mouth…  But it didn’t take very long until they were all laughing, loving and praising God!   Of course with the church showing all of the signs of life, the community started taking interest and little by little, two or three at a time, it began to grow.   There are so many stories that I could share with you about God’s unfailing love, mercy and grace that we experienced during our time at that church…  So many sermons about how love can conquer fear and threat…  But the thing I would like to share with you today is this:  we walked away grateful for the awesome opportunity that we had been given to see God move mightily as He proved His possibilities.

He ended up being more than who we thought He was and He ended up doing more than what we even imagined that He would do.  The lady who was once guilty of false teaching not only became our piano player for praise and worship but also our dear friend.  She died a few years later... And as my husband preached her funeral, I couldn’t help but think about her being in heaven and how thankful I was that the Holy Spirit had helped us to believe that there was nothing too difficult for God.   Today, the Holy Spirit may be sending you forth to take on a task that is very difficult and maybe even looks impossible through the eyes of man.  Remember as you step forward… that what’s impossible with man is possible with God and there is nothing too difficult for Him.  You will never really know God beyond what you are willing to experience and experiencing Him will require you taking a risk.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Friday, April 15, 2011

Look a Little Deeper

A few years ago, a friend of mine was having a lot of trouble with an infection under her arm.  The doctor decided to make an incision that would speed up the healing time.  Well, what was supposed to be simple and routine, ended up being more serious and took forever.  After her ordeal was over, she and I had a discussion on the matter...  She said, “You would not believe what was in my arm… the doctor just kept pulling stuff out!”  She asked the doctor how all of that  "stuff" could have been in her arm!  The doctor explained that over a period of time, the infection had tunneled very deeply and that’s why it was taking so long to heal.  As we discussed it further, I started thinking of all the similarities between her arm and my Spiritual heart.

I often tell the church, “I have been on this journey for some time now and I am still amazed at the mess that God keeps pulling out of my heart.”  My reaction to Him is much like my friend’s reaction to her doctor; “That was in there all the time?  And, did all of that come out of there?”  I mean, just when I think that my heart has been completely revealed, God allows an encounter with the right kind of pull and pressure that causes some more stuff to manifest!  Oh the times that I’ve tried to blame my difficulties on certain people and certain encounters instead of admitting that if there was nothing ugly in my heart then the encounter couldn’t draw it out!  Do you know what I mean?  Being easily drawn or easily provoked in any way will have more to do with what’s going on inside you instead of what’s going on between you and others.

We cannot blame others for our lack of self-control, immaturity issues, lust, anger, jealousy…  Need I go on?   Instead of getting upset with others that seem to have personalities that draw you, provoke you, or really get your goat - thank God for allowing what was hidden in you to be revealed.  Without His help that stuff might sit there undetected, tunneling deeper and deeper.   After all, it is what’s in our heart that defiles us and it never hurts to look a little deeper.

Loving U Like a Sister,


Thursday, April 7, 2011

God Knows Perfectly!

Because of the fact that I can carry a tune, I have often been counseled and somewhat commanded by others in the church to: join the choir; lead Praise and Worship; sing at weddings and funerals, etc., etc. ... And there have been many times that I have been accused of false humility all because of refusing to call myself “a singer.”  It’s not that I mind singing but my range is somewhere around b minor and so because of this I refer to myself as a worshipper… not a singer!  If you have no range you cannot sing along with most people and sometimes it’s difficult to even get through a song without your voice cracking from the strain.  Had things been different, I would have gladly began an awesome music ministry (or maybe took the road to Nashville) a very long time ago. Lol! …

Along my journey, I have met many people who thought that they knew better what I should do, how I should do it, and who I should do it for.  And humorously enough, it was usually them that they were convinced that I should be doing it for.  I have never met a human being that I thought would make a very good God.  Another thing that has been interesting is that there have been numerous people along my journey that have scorned, tried to shame, and did their best to change me from being talkative.  The reason that this is funny is because it’s the very thing in my personality that God uses; not only as a speaker in church but also in casual settings where my willingness to communicate (lol) enables me to reach out to other women, helping them to feel acknowledged, accepted and comfortable.

God has a unique plan for all of us and His plan always matches His design.  His design (you) always matches His plan.  We don’t have to force ourselves into the shape or mold that someone else demands from us.  God planned our personality and matched it perfectly with our destiny.  He knows how and where He wants to use each of us.  If man was capable of calling, equipping and figuring out every detail of our life, we would have no need for the Holy Spirit.  Of course, I believe in friendship, partnership and mentorship and the accountability that it offers, but I have lived long enough to know that when it comes to the author and finisher of my faith…there is One who knows better than anyone else… my Lord.

Loving U like a Sister,