Sunday, November 28, 2010

Number 1: Femininity is Excellent at Securing the Masculine Heart

Woman…God’s Good Thing! An In-depth look into Femininity from the Proverbs 31 Woman

The detailed listing of the Proverbs 31 Woman and all of her attributes begin in verse 11:  The heart of her husband safely trusts her, so he will have no lack of gain.  She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.   Femininity is excellent at securing the masculine heart.   No other created being has the ability to get as close to the man’s heart like the woman.  Therefore, no other being has the responsibility to the man like the woman.  Probably the greatest issue affecting our society today is a lack of trust and our marriages are no exception.  So we can be sure that trust will be at the top of the list of what men want and need in women.

Now more than ever, men are concerned about money and many will be more likely to work toward spending wisely when they feel that their wives are on board too.  Men are naturally inclined to want to have something to show for all their hard work and they are more motivated by what they can provide for their family than what most women think.  There will always be exceptions, but for the most part, wives have more influence than what they realize when it comes to helping husbands get or stay motivated in managing money.  Something to remember is that masculinity hates to deny femininity anything (it makes him feel like a man) so women should not only set a limit on what they are spending but on what they are asking as well.  Even though most households have both the husband and wife bringing income in, he still needs to know that he can trust you with what’s going out.

Another important issue of trust in marriage is sex.  There are many sexual avenues that a man could travel down but only one that doesn’t lead him to a place of shame.  A husband needs a wife who offers a loyal and secure bed.  One of the most difficult things to get women to understand is their God-given ability to strengthen their sexual union with their husband and how important it is to do so.  Most men just want a secure relationship where they can be free and enjoy their life.  Husbands will entrust their heart to wives who have secured the bedroom in loyalty allowing them a place of fulfillment without any guilt.

A woman who is concerned with securing her husband’s heart is like the Proverb 31 Woman, abounding in femininity and definitely …A Good Thing!  Log on next week for the continued study of Woman…God’s Good Thing.

Loving U like A Sister,
