Woman…God’s Good Thing! An In-depth look into Femininity from the Proverbs 31 Woman
God knew what He was doing when He made you. He knew the very skill that would thrive in you and at the same time bring Him great pleasure in your existence. The Proverbs 31 woman used her skill and talent to build up her family and honor God. She sought after and collected her own resources. She produced her own goods. She knew how to invest her money and started her own business. She used her God-given attributes and became a source of strength for everyone around her. Wow! Don’t you wish you could be like her? Well, I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that you probably are.
I cannot tell you how many times that I’ve heard a woman say that she’s isn’t good at anything. I’ve heard some women say that skill and talent somehow passed them by and that they didn’t have much to offer. Not too long ago, I was talking to a very special someone who told me that she didn’t feel smart or talented. I pointed out that her house was so beautifully decorated that I was sure Martha Stewart would have given her an award had she seen it! She was comparing her life to other women and what they were doing with their life. In my opinion, she had overlooked her own talent and some major praise worthy things that she had done. Not only is her home beautifully decorated but for several years now, it has been a welcoming and hospitable place for many pastors, church events, children and relatives.
God knew the very skill to give you that would complement your family and help build His kingdom. The gifts and talent that God gives come with great purpose (God purpose). His gifting doesn’t have man’s glory in mind. Don’t think that God left you out or forgot to give you something good. Instead, seek His face and pray for what’s in you to be revealed. You are uniquely gifted to achieve the task and fulfill the plan that God had in mind when He made you. Remember, God didn’t praise the Proverbs 31 woman because she was gifted. After all, He was the one who gave her the ability. He praised her because of how she used her gifting to serve and build up everyone around her.
The feminine design has never been lacking in skill or talent. The Proverbs 31 woman used hers wisely. There are many skilled and talented women who are serving the world (singers, dancers, actresses, etc.) but it’s only the women who use their ability to build up their family and honor God that get called "A Good Thing". Log on next week for the continued study of Woman... God's Good Thing.
Loving U Like a Sister,
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Number 2: Femininity is Gifted on Purpose with a Purpose
good thing,
Proverbs 31 woman,