I would like to thank everyone for their comments and the wonderful response to the study of the Shulamite. It is always encouraging to hear from you. I would also like to let everyone know that our new website for women will be finished soon! I know that this will be especially encouraging for those of you who left private messages and prayer requests because the website will not only offer great resources to help women in their Christian walk but will be a place for prayer requests as well. It is always a good thing when we can find a place of agreement in prayer. In a world where women are hurting and suffering in so many ways please note: we are honored to pray for you and are in agreement with what God’s word says for your life.
I would like to invite everyone to log on next week for the beginning of a new teaching series... "Woman… God’s Good Thing". The word of God says that a man who gets a wife gets a good thing. To tell you the truth, not only was I curious about what God himself would call a good thing, I was surprised at how much I really wanted to be one. It is amazing how much we can learn about our feminine nature when we let down the guard and let the Holy Spirit show us what’s hidden on the inside. Deeply hidden on the inside of me was a woman who wanted better and wanted to do better. I have also found that no man in his right mind can resist a good thing!
Women’s lives have changed so much down through the centuries but God’s word still retains its meaning and is in every way applicable today. I can assure you that masculinity is still very much captivated and somewhat intoxicated by femininity. There are some counterfeits out there that try and mimic femininity or imitate it. I always say, "You can doll it up to look like a woman but what makes us women is God given and it goes way down deep past the skin and bone." You can shave its legs and put a wig on it, but being a woman is more than smooth legs and fixed hair (although the men really appreciate us for doing so lol!). Femininity is in the very depth of our soul and spirit. It’s more than the way we walk and more than just the way we talk.
God knew what He was doing when He made a woman and He declares us a good thing. Maybe you are not convinced of that or maybe you are curious as to the details of what God would call a good thing. Perhaps you want to have something better or you are looking to become something better. It will always begin with the word of God. Read Proverbs Chapter 31 this week. From this teaching series in this one little chapter of the Bible, you will see what men want and need in women. You will have a better understanding of what women find rewarding and fulfilling. You will see what God values and praises in women. You will see the blessings that accompany balance and order and so much more. You will see that the Proverb 31 Woman was a good thing and you are probably more like her than you think. So log back on soon and check out …Woman… God’s Good Thing!
Loving U Like a Sister,