#6 Her Understanding of True Love - the continued study of the Shulamite woman from the series "Then I Became in His Eyes as One Who Found Peace"
I am convinced that at least half, if not more than half, of the world is clueless to the meaning of true love. We have piles of love songs, poems, books and movies that portray the romantic notions of love, but very few icons where its depth and true meaning are clearly seen or defined. This is a sad truth because if we live in a society that only understands love in the concept of romantic feelings then we are all in trouble. Young men and women who don’t understand the difference between emotion and devotion will never have any quality relationships. These young men and women I am referring to could easily end up being our children and grandchildren.
One of the most admonishing passages to young women from Song of Solomon is the words of the Shulamite woman: “His banner over me was love”. She was fully convinced of the king’s love for her. Not only could she identify it, but she obviously knew the importance of pointing it out to the younger women who were following her example. She understood the value that the king had placed on her by making her his bride. His banner over her was obvious and identifiable by the engagement and ceremony as well as the wedding night. His banner over her was love, not lust. The Shulamite was able to return and validate the King’s desire for her because of her knowledge and proof of his banner. No woman should ever accept a man’s desire for her without it being inside the boundary of true love.
A man’s desire for a woman without the shelter of love can easily end up in disaster. Desire alone has the potential to rob, devour and devastate a woman. God gave men a STRONG desire for women but He only gave it legal access under the banner of love. Why? Because God knew that a man acting within his desire wouldn’t be much more than a taker but, in love, he would want to protect and give to her as well. What a brilliant God! Pretty good set up if you ask me.
God never intended on women being used or abused and there are certainly women who have ended up in both situations unaware and unintentionally. Truthfully though, we all know of someone (maybe even us) who decided to go into a relationship without checking or even acknowledging what his banner over them (or us) really was. It is not as difficult as we sometimes make it out to be. Identifying the banner can be as simple as asking a few good questions. Is there a ring or a wedding date? What is his banner over you, love or something else? I have learned that women who understand true love will not settle for anything less, but women who lack understanding will settle for just being desired time and time again. Be smart and remain in peace like the Shulamite woman... His banner over her was love. She understood and so should you.
Log on next week for the final study of the Shulamite woman and how to find peace in #7, "Her Responsibility to the Younger Generation".
Loving U like A sister,