Sunday, October 24, 2010

#7 Her Responsibility to the Younger Generation

# 7:  Her Responsibility to the Younger Generation - the final segment in the study of the Shulamite woman from the series "Then I Became in His Eyes as One Who Found Peace"

In our nation, we see many examples of people being blessed to be a blessing.  Celebrities give out of their wealth.  Social clubs and colleges are routinely involved with humanitarian work.  I’ve even seen people living here from other countries send back assistance to help family and friends reach selective goals in business or education.  Many of us have caught on to the idea that when we find ourselves in a better place, we should help someone else.  For the church though, our outreach should exceed the work of the average helping hand.  Christians have a responsibility not only to reach out, but also to help carry the Gospel to every nation while living a life of enticement that will inspire future generations.

In Song of Solomon, It seemed that the Shulamite woman understood her responsibility to the next generation.  Her role as Queen was an opportunity for influence and favor given to her by God.  It’s interesting and inspiring how she used her position to instruct the young women who ran after her.  She was careful to help them understand her success.  The Shulamite woman not only made it to a better place but she wanted to teach other women how to make it as well.  You would be surprised at how many successful businesses and ministries have been built on these same desires.

Today, there are many offers on the table for women.  The world is offering promises and rewards from many different products in many different ways.  As women, we are more likely to be targeted by manufacturers than men.  They understand that a lot of women are not only desperate for change but they are more than willing to pay for it.  Unfortunately though, most of what the world is selling women is a farce and the end result will probably be pain.  God’s offer is and shall remain the best on the table.  He offers truth with an end result of peace.  The Shulamite woman found peace.  She put all of the elements of virtue and godliness together and found lasting peace.

If you are searching for a better result than what you keep getting then it’s time to make a change.  If what you are applying is not bringing a return of peace then it’s time to apply a new principle.  Sometimes we blame a bad harvest on the ground and never check into the kind of seed that we are sowing.  Only the word of God has power in every principle, that when applied, can and will bring a positive change.  God’s word works!  For the women who said amen to that last sentence, what are you doing right now to help the younger generation?  Let me challenge you to make it a priority today to tell a young woman about the love of Jesus Christ and the peace that is genuinely found in GOD.

Loving U Like a Sister,
