Hello friends! As a pastor's wife, I am frequently approached by young women in the church that are eager to find their place in the Kingdom of God. Someone, somewhere, told them that they were born with a purpose and they are enthusiastic to find it out! Unfortunately, these women are looking up instead of down.
As I look back over the years, I can't help but laugh at the times I argued with God over my purpose. Oh, so many times, my focus was on high places that seem to offer a promise of value and importance. But the Holy Spirit was always so good at leading me to look at the lower places instead. I often tell people about the widow woman (she had no children) who God allowed me to serve for seven years. Now, THAT was a great fulfillment of God's purpose for me. Serving her gave me great value and importance because SHE was great, valuable and extremely important to God.
Today, if you are searching for greatness, or a great purpose in the Kingdom of God, don't ever look beyond the Scriptures. Jesus said the servant shall be the greatest of all. I've been asked by several people lately, "what will you do this summer?". My reply has been, "I'm not sure who and where, but I am sure I will serve somebody! lol
One thing that I've learned, you are never too young or too old to serve. To me, "ministry" is all about life application. The more we serve, the more we will learn and grow. The more we learn, the more we can impart to the generation coming up behind us. As long as we stay in line and in order, God will be pleased. Are you looking for a great opportunity this summer? The greatest opportunities are hidden in the lowest places where most people never go!
Loving U like a Sister,