Monday, May 17, 2010

Miracles in the Local Church!

Hello friends!  Good Monday morning.  What a great day for a miracle to happen!  Do you believe in miracles?  Yes, probably most of us do.  Do you expect to see miracles?  Probably some of us do.  An older gentleman once told me that he didn't believe that the kind of miracles from the bible still happen today in our time.  Now, I was not this gentleman's teacher, so I remained quiet.  But of course, I do believe in modern day miracles.  As a matter of fact, I believe that the local churches are filled with them!

In our church alone we have the prodigal son who has now returned home, and a woman with an issue of blood dried up!  We now have many seeing people who were once blind, and many who were unclean that are now well!  We have groups of people who have travelled long journeys with God parting rivers and oceans of opposition so that they could pass through.  There are several prisoners who once had a life sentence and are now seated on the pew after receiving a pardon. There's a woman who was once bowed over who now stands up straight, and I have to point out that there are many, many of us who were once dead and now have been brought back to life! 

Now, to the believers, I know you remember the scripture where Jesus sent back John's (the Baptist), disciples to tell him what they saw...  The blind see and the lame walk;  the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the Gospel preached to them.  And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.

In the local church, we see these miracles EVERY service.  Thank God for local churches and pastors who still believe in the miracles of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  If you don't believe that miracles still exist today in our time - maybe you better look again!

Loving U like a Sister,
