Thank you to everyone who attended the “Then I Became in His eyes as one who found Peace” conference in Beulaville last week. The atmosphere and the group of women were awesome! God never disappoints when people show up with that kind of expectation! We were blessed to say the least. It’s not too late for you to schedule this event in your church. Women are definitely worth the investment.
I tell the church, “Women carry a huge influence.” If you can help bring change to a woman then you have helped bring change to an entire family! She can build her house or tear it down with her hands. Through Journey, God is healing and strengthening women so that they can build… you can read a good book but it is still the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage in our lives. Many out of town conferences will be scheduled this year (usually great speakers, great shopping, great restaurants and great fun) but sadly the women who will need to be encouraged the most will not be able to attend because of their lack of finances. Journey can help you bring the conference to them in your local church.
I’m very excited to invite those of you who are local to come join us for the next phase of the Journey out of Egypt ministry - “Journey Marriage.” If you have looked at our website then you probably know that our vision begins with healing and strengthening women but our ultimate goal is to reunite the family back with God. Journey Marriage is a local outreach for helping to heal and strengthen marriages through preaching, teaching, fun and fellowship. We will begin meeting once a month here in one of our local churches. If you would like more information about how to be a part of this once-a-month marriage celebration, you can contact us through our website-
In a few days, I will begin a new blog series, “Upon My Honor.” Upon My Honor is one of my teachings from the book of Esther. It has been my experience that women have heard more than enough about submission but haven’t heard nearly enough about honor. God will never withhold anything good that He has promised us in His word but it will all depend on how and who we choose to honor. As women, we tend to sometimes put a romantic spin on some of the Old Testament stories. Esther is not a romantic novel but more of a story about obedience, faith and honor. Most of us want something or need something from God. And many women want to be given more opportunities and better positions where they can really make a difference. Well, God is not stingy and He is handing down blessings one after the other… and girl, all you have to do is get in line… Upon My Honor will teach you how.
Loving U Like a Sister,