That was a very long time ago but I remember that I did get up and play. I wanted him to hang on to the faith that he had in his prayer. Even though our sons aren’t little boys anymore (one in the Navy, one away at college, and two in High School), they still believe in prayer. They have had many set-backs and failures but they still believe in prayer. Their world is full of pressure, struggles, temptation and drawbacks; but they still believe in prayer. Through war zones, motorcycle wrecks, peer pressure and even a best friend’s funeral; they still believe in prayer. Problems, heartache, stress and pain… so far, they seem to understand that it is prayer that will help them make it through.
So today, if you feel like you live in a war zone, a wreck, or some kind of pressure cooker… pray. Maybe there’s a set-back or you have fallen down in some way or another… you can still pray. If you feel hurt, worried or tired of the same old struggle … don’t be too tired to pray. Prayer alerts heaven and God will always send us His best reinforcement. Through prayer, problems are solved; battles are won; folks are healed; paths are cleared; provision is made and people are saved. In the Bible we are told to never stop praying and that our prayer profits greatly! If you have stopped praying because you thought things weren’t changing or that God wasn’t listening… then it’s not only time for you to start praying again but it’s also time for you to start believing again. Prayer changes things.
Loving U Like a Sister,