Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The JOY of the Lord

Hello friends!  It is well, or is it well with your soul?  The Word of God teaches us that "the joy of the Lord is our strength".  Oh so many days I've had to rely on the joy of my salvation to get me through a miserable situation!  So many times, I've had to understand that I was working toward something greater than the task at hand and on my way to something better and brighter. As Christians, we learn to face "spiritual" fires and floods, and travel long journeys by relying on the joy of our salvation.

Our joy in the Lord is greater than any discouragement or hardship that we face.  I have learned from past experiences that the times when I lost my joy were times when I lost sight of what really mattered.  The Holy Spirit taught me that everything in life matters, but some things matter more and some things matter most.

If it IS well with your soul today then everything else in your life has to line up under your joy.  If it IS NOT well between you and God then your career, appearance (women care about these things), bank account, relationships and even your state of health are dependant upon some other source of happiness that will shift every time the seasons change!

When salvation matters most, joy is never lost and strength for endurance is easily regained through the right perspective.  As women, we should care about every matter involving our lives, but as women of God, we should be able prioritize them.  In life's journey, our joy will always be about where we are in the Lord instead of where we are on the map.

Loving U Like a Sister,
