Friday, June 25, 2010

It Rains Here Because He Reigns Here!

Often in church I hear people say, “Well, it rains on the just and the unjust”.  I understand their use of this scripture as they are trying to help someone who is facing trials and they want them to see that we are none exempt from bad days or "rainy days".   Really though, when God allowed it to rain on His people it was a good thing.  Rain was needed for the growth and harvest of what was being produced. Without rain everything would dry up.  It wasn’t that God was being evil, allowing the bad into the just people’s lives, it was that God was being merciful allowing GOOD into the unjust people’s lives.

Do you know that those of us who belong to God have the potential to rain onto other people? We have the Holy Spirit living in us!  His Words are waters of life!  Don’t you love to be around people that are full of God’s Spirit?   Don’t you hate to be around dry people who offer nothing to your spirit but dust?  How much more important is it though to become a source of life than to always be searching for others to provide it?  Do you know what I mean?  Too many times, we go out searching for a place where the water is really on the move instead of determining to BE a place where the water is really on the move!

Today if you are complaining about things drying up in your area make sure that you are still a good source.  If the Holy Spirit still has reign in your house then you can be sure that there’s rain there!  I have learned whether or not it’s raining at church or at another’s house is not as important as whether it’s raining at mine. As long as I have THE source of the waters of life with me I can bring the showers wherever I go! We do indeed need the rain but instead of complaining about where it cannot be found let’s do our best to carry it to the dry, dead ground...

Loving U Like a Sister,