Salvation is free but gaining new territory will cost you something. Many Christians quote the Prayer of Jabez from 1 Chronicles. They can make it sound eloquent, easy and even romantic, as they proclaim; “Bless me, bless me indeed and enlarge my territory.” Not to take anything away from God’s Word or its recital but we must understand, “not without a good fight!”
Back in those days, God not only allowed but He ordered many of the battles that His people faced. Through fighting they gained favor, possessions, and territory (and sometimes it was just access to the path across). Their knowledge of God and their dependence on Him increased with every rival. How did they keep their peace in the middle of major conflict? How were they able to maintain a feeling of security with the constant threat of an enemy? In the same way that you and I can today; they were made fully aware of God’s good intention for them and His promise that they would prevail! The word reached them and they chose to believe.
So is being a Christian all about conflict, battles and fighting? Of course not! Our daily walk with God can be paralleled to the many books of the Bible... Some days we are like the psalmist singing songs and making melodies from our heart. Some days are filled with passion and deep emotion like the words in Song of Solomon. Some days are like Leviticus, Proverbs, and Paul’s writings; filled with instruction, letter and law. Like everyone else on this earth - we love, we live, we laugh, we cry and we grow... But as Christians, we do have an enemy and as long as we live down here, we will have battles.
If we want to grow then we will have to fight for the new ground and sometimes we will have to fight just to keep what God has already given. Who wants to fight? Not me! But I have and I will because I have found peace in the promises of God. Bless me, bless me indeed and enlarge my territory. Yes, I am willing to stand, face and fight! God has spoken, it is written and I believe. I am going to win!
Loving U Like a Sister,