Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Regarding Both Sides...

So many times, I have been asked by others (usually pastors) what my talents and gifts are.  Now, I hope you know the truth about answering such a question too quickly with a pastor or church leader.  I have learned through the years that one of the greatest talents in a good leader is the ability to delegate certain tasks to another to help free his hands!  Lol!  So I try to be very cautious when answering...  I also find it humorous that they would even ask such a thing because it seems like a set up for someone to brag on their self.  Imagine the conversation of “I am so wonderful at this and I can do this and this and this and ……." - yuk!   My answer has always been the same:  My greatest talent or skill has been the ability to get on my face before God.

Not impressed with such an answer?  I don’t believe some of them were neither!  Most people aren’t impressed with other people’s desire to be closed in with God on a regular basis.  I have also noticed that it seems to make people nervous as if a woman was being lofty or even mystical about doing such an endeavor.  Another thing too, is there seems to be a lack of regard for the other side no matter which side you are on.  The busy bees certainly do not admire the 'closed in", "reading the Bible all day long" types………. and the "closed in with God" certainly don’t admire the busy bee type. Yet the Lord found it fitting and useful to call both!

If we compare what we are doing with what others are doing then we might not think what we are doing is fitting at all.  I am convinced that God knows exactly what fits you for this season in your life.  If you are wearing the busy bee jacket…..Get 'er done!  If you have on a priestly robe….get on your face!  I've learned that spending time in both places cultivates a high regard for both sides.

Loving U Like a Sister,
