Hello Friends! Happy "Middle of the Week"! We've made it half way through... Reckon we can hold out and make to the end? lol Of course, we can. Have you ever heard the Lord tell you, "finish strong"? I have.
Have you ever thought about the 2 1/2 Israelite tribes who settled before the Jordan River? They were satisfied to not go any further with the rest of God's people. Today, I wonder, how many of us came from homes where our parents decided to settle or just couldn't seem to finish strong... I think about addictions, strongholds and every bad way of living that holds people back. Had some of our parents went further, we would have inherited a better lot.
It's not too late, you know. We all have the right of passage given to us by Jesus Christ, our Savior. We don't have to stay in the lot (spiritually speaking) where we were born. We have the right to get up and walk out and we have the document to prove it, it's in the BIBLE. We have a deed to a better lot in life, it's in the BIBLE. We have promises of rewards and great dwelling places, and yes, it's all written in the BIBLE. God's Holy Word has a lot to say about where you are and where you are going and where you are living and where you could be living!
Loving U like a Sister,