Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Leah's Story

From the Series, "Between Two Women"

Poor, pitiful and weak-eyed Leah...  Her dad sure didn’t think much of her...  I mean, how many of us had a dad who thought so little of us that he had to trick a man into marrying us?  How was her husband supposed to respond to her after that kind of deception?  Leah was more of a burden and obligation to Jacob than someone that he chose (sad).   Remember, he was in hot pursuit of the beautiful and eye-catching Rachel.  Not her...  Imagine how Leah must have felt on her wedding night knowing that she wasn’t the one that he really wanted and then imagine the week they had to spend together closed in from all the others.  Through the years, I have talked with women who seem to think that they know exactly how she felt.  In some very private conversations, a few women have made statements to me like, “my husband doesn’t love me, he just uses my body.”  This is not a confession or prayer request that you will hear in the morning church service (smile).  That’s why the Journey ministry is so important.  It is a place where women can find answers and help for intimate problems and questions that have the potential to bring unnecessary exposure and shame if presented anywhere else.  God will always hear a sincere prayer and He will always offer help to every woman who seeks him in truth.

Back to the story… so Leah finds herself stuck in a relationship with a man who offers her no friendship, intimacy or love.  But our God, who can do anything, looked down from heaven and saw everything.  He saw that Leah was unloved, unappreciated and in a lot of ways, ignored.  So He decided to level the playing field.  God caused Leah to give Jacob sons.  Now, you must understand that back in those days, this placed Leah in high demand and honor.  Ooh! Her sister was so envious and mad!  Giving birth to sons placed the highest value possible on a woman, whether she had gorgeous eyes or not (lol) and Rachel knew it.  Funny how God can flip a thing!  God gave Leah help and hope for a long future with her husband Jacob.  Leah never failed to recognize who it was that was helping her and her praise of God went into the very naming of her children.  Women who want to be given something better or a "better hand in life" can learn a lot from Leah:  never fail to give or leave a testimony when God decides to move on your behalf and give you help or favor and never pass up an opportunity to let the next generation know that out of every mess, IT WAS GOD!

So, God gave back to Leah her place of value that was lost in the beginning but what about friendship and love?  It’s in the story as well.  Some people seem to overlook the concept that in order for Leah to keep getting pregnant time and time again, Jacob had to keep returning to her time and time again.  Once Jacob saw that Leah could conceive he routinely spent time with her.  At that time Jacob had access to both Leah and Rachel but he obviously wasn’t ignoring Leah.  Women need to know that it is nearly impossible for a man to be repeatedly and routinely making love to a woman and not feel any affection for her.  Even though Jacob may have never felt the same passion for Leah that he did for Rachel, there had to be a bond built between them.  We know that Rachel died giving birth on their journey, so she didn't get to be buried with the rest of the family on the ground that Abraham had purchased years before.  It was Leah who not only got to grow old with Jacob but she also was the one who got to be buried with her husband in the family cemetery (I know what you’re thinking, but trust me, back in those days it was an honor).  So for Leah, the ending of this thing was better than its beginning… God looked down and saw that Leah was unloved and HE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Log on next week to find out more about Rachel... 

Loving U Like a Sister,
