Thursday, January 20, 2011

2011... Off to a Great Start!

We are almost ready to unveil the new website and are so excited about the promise of God for Journey’s future in helping women all around the world.  God has never been lacking in promises so we must be sure to not be lacking in faith.  I want to thank you today for all of the messages that you sent me concerning the teaching on the blog.  Your comments and feedback are encouraging and important.  As for the prayer requests, we always remember you and your families and are fully convinced that God is faithful.   Thank you to all the ladies who are leaving messages for us from the Philippines.  You mean so much to us here at Journey and our prayer is to visit you again soon!   

We are already a few weeks into the New Year.  Many will be fasting and praying for direction and help concerning personal plans this year and most pastors will be seeking God for vision and direction concerning their congregation.  We just ask, as you seek the Lord, that you would consider Journey in your prayer.  As you know Journey Out of Egypt Ministries is a new ministry designed to help encourage Christian women and is always in need of your prayer and support.  I’ve lived long enough to know that what we are willing to help make happen for others, God will make happen for us.  I’ve also lived long enough to know that women are definitely worth the investment.  

I will begin a new teaching series next week entitled “Between Two Women.”  It’s a study of Rachel and Leah from Genesis chapter 29 and 30.  This story between two sisters is filled with heartache, passion and pain.  It can be used as a great tool to help guide women through some interesting facts of life (like envy,  betrayal and rivalry - for starters).  There are a lot of women out there (like Leah) that feel as is if life handed them a bad deal and in this study you will find out that God has a great promise for you no matter what kind of hand you were dealt.  No matter how overlooked or rejected you feel, God wants you to know that He has chosen you.  As for the women who feel that maybe they have a better hand but still feel so empty on the inside (like Rachel), God wants you to know that He has a plan for your life and will fill every empty area.  In this study, you will learn that man's acceptance (no matter how much they like you) is not enough.   “Between Two Women” will help you see that God’s love for each of us is not lacking in any way and that He cares deeply about every intimate area of our life and every situation that we so many times find ourselves “stuck in.”  I can tell you that He not only cares but He is the only one who can do something about it!

So Log on next week for “Between Two Women” and we will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Loving U Like a Sister,