Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Avenue of Ministry

Hello,I'm Regina...

Today I am starting my new blog in hope of reaching women around the world for Christ.  As you may have read in my bio, the revelation of who Jesus is changed my life forever and God's word was a key factor in my healing, recovery and freedom!

My desire for this "daily blog" is for women to get connected with a daily thought or concept from God's word, share their thoughts, and pass along the GOOD news. I believe God is still speaking today. He wants to communicate with His people, and of course through His word is where we find Him.  Women of God, iron sharpens iron!  So join me each day for an exciting new avenue of ministry. In the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee, a life line could be handed to you or even exchanged by you. Yes, God is still speaking today, so drop by each day to hear what He is saying to you!             

Life line for today-forgive yourself! Walk in grace,but never, ever stop trying.  If we could do "it" without human failure, God would never have sent Jesus. Women are amazing!  We generally offer grace to everyone except ourselves!  Thank you Jesus for standing in place of everything we are lacking.  

Loving U like a sister,
